Chapter one (1)

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3rd P.O.V

America woke up, and yawned before blinkning a few times. He was laying in his and Canada's bunk bed, on the bottom part. (Or whatever it's called).

Canada was already awake and he stod in front of a mirror, that hung on the wall, fixing his shirt.

"Good morning sleepyhead!", He said as America sat up.

"*Yawn* good morning bro", He responded in a tired voice.

America got up and changed from his pajamas to blue jeans and a black t-shirt saying 'NATO'. He also put his sun glasses on.

"Why are you up so early?", America asked while Canada was brushing his teeth.

"I'm meeting up with Ukraine", He responded happily.

"Ok bro, see ya later then".

After breakfast Canada left and America quickly got bored.

Mabye I should call Russia and see what he's doing, he thougt.

He went back up stairs to his and Canada's room to get his phone. He grabbed the phone and called Russia.

"Hey Ruski! Do you have any plans for today?" America said as soon as Russia answered.

"Привет аме, нет I don't. You?"
(Hello Ame, no i don't) Russia said, he had an heavy russian accent.

"Nah, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out"

"Sure, should we meet in the park?"

"Yeah! See you there!"

America hung up and was about to leave when he remembered that his two younger siblings needed breakfast. Australia and New Zealand were still asleep in their shared room. He and Canada took care of their siblings while UK and France had work to do.

~~Time skip~~

Americas P.O.V

I was walking through the city, looking down at my phone. Suddenly I heard a loud scream. I ran in the direction of the noise. I gasped when i realised it came from the direction of the jewelery store, where my friend Philippines worked.

Pls don't be there, pls don't be there.. I kept saying to myself.

When I reached the store it felt like my heart skipped a beat. In the store stod two pepole dressed in all black, with Hoods and face masks, (not corona masks) pointing guns at Phil.

(Art by me, sorry it's kinda bad, I did it in a hurry)

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(Art by me, sorry it's kinda bad, I did it in a hurry)

"Give me the money!", one of them said. He/she had a weird accent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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