A Curse of Sorrow

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He appeared so innocent, charming and slept quietly for the moment at least. Ann laid beside him disconnected as tears streamed towards her ears; her face bloated and hair unkempt. This has been the custom for some time. She spoke more with herself lately, even with his presence.The bed was the same height as the floor, it merely provided a softer cushion. 

Ann crawled to the part of the shop where she discarded her clothes. It was a single compact room and hardly accommodated the flatbed they shared. She hung her dresses on a rope tied from the window bars to another part of the room, but most are on the floor, dirty and scattered. Close to the exit was where she had the stove and a few untidy pots. It belonged to Steph.

She pulled out a box under the pile, sat on the floor, and took out the new knife she put away. Both items now in her front, she dropped her head between her clenched knees and sobbed as the memories came flooding.

The Identity Card contained an electronic chip that granted every staff access to the premises of the firm. It was Ann's first day, and she arrived earlier and had to stick around at the gate for someone to allow her in. At the same time, she waited for the Human Resources personnel to resume and grant her entry.

"Good Morning, are you waiting for someone?" He inquired. Sammy, about 5, 9 inches, clean-shaven, fair, and looked like he was in his mid-20s. He was the Head of IT, he knew every staff because it was a small business and was responsible for the access chips.

"Good Morning Sir, I'm here to see HR sir," Ann responded almost on bended knees. "Are you the new Receptionist?" He judged her to be youthful and unfamiliar to the corporate atmosphere.

"Yes, Sir!"

He swiped his card, and they both entered. He pointed to a seat for Ann to wait while he went to his work upstairs.

Ann settled. This was a job she needed right now while awaiting results and admission. This will save her from the pressure at home. Ann's presence at home contributed to many squabbles between herself and her parents, who already compared her to her mates in universities. The persistent fight made her searched for this job.

It was lunchtime, and Sammy offered to show her places in the area where she could buy food. They chatted as they walked on the street to eat and back to their post. He even offered to drop her off after work when he realized their way was the same. He felt her diffused warmth and friendliness.

After work, going home scared her. She wondered how her father would react since he did not permit her to accept the role and her mother's opinion. Her 12 hours of peace was about to end, and she wished she would not have to go to the house. 

Their parents had only two of them.

They used to be caring and loving but changed when Steph got pregnant and dropped out of school. They sent her packing; she had nowhere to go, the fellow who impregnated her moved back to his base overseas. He wired her money to rent a place, she later lost the pregnancy, and he seized contact with her. After losing the child, their parents severed all ties with her. Steph left home to live on her own.

Their parents transferred focus to Ann, but failing to pass her papers at one sitting came with so much pressure, anger, and talk down. They compared her to her equals in various higher institutions.

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