Part 1

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You wake up and let out a big sigh. Your father owned his own company. He was a Mafia boss. He built his company and done gang stuff on the side. Until 3 months ago when the rival mafia gang shot him dead

You are now the owner of the company. Its stressful. You are just glad your dad showed you the ropes before he passed away.

You have a new recruit starting today. Normally they dont allow outsiders in so you will find out today what it's all about.

You get into the shower then get yourself dressed. You dont wear smart clothes unless it's for a meeting.

You wake your 15 year old brother up for school. You make breakfast for the both of you whilst he is getting ready. You put some fruit in his school bag with some protein bars. You put $15 in his wallet.

He comes into the dinning room and eats breakfast with you.

Y/B: Morning!
Y/N: Morning! How are you today?
Y/B: Tired. As per usual.
Y/N: Money is in your wallet, fruit and bars are in your bag. Do you have P.E today?
Y/B: Yeah I do *rolls eyes*
Y/N: Your stuff for that is hanging up on the door. Have you got all your homework etc?
Y/B: Yes mom!
Y/N: *sticks out tongue* Yes mom! Good job son!

You both laugh and eat breakfast. You head out to your car. You drop your brother off at the Starbucks near his school. Then you drive off to the office.

You head upstairs to your office. Greeting everyone as you see them. 

You sit down at your desk and there is a faint knock on the door.

Y/N: Come in if your feet are clean!
??: Em O-okay
Y/N: I'm joking
??: H-Hi, G-Good Morning
Y/N: Morning! Are you okay?
??: Nervous
Y/N: Come in, I dont bite honestly. *laughs*

The boy infront of you gives you a shy smile. He sits down on the chair in front of your desk. Fuck he is hot, those brown eyes. Ripped body and dyed blonde hair. Driving you crazy. What you would do to him if you could. His hands touching you etc 

??: Oh I'm so sorry, is it okay to sit here?
Y/N: Hey I'm Y/N and you are?
??: I'm Jack
Y/N: Nice to meet you Jack. First off all relax, I'm not going to hurt you
J:You arent?
Y/N: No? Why would I?
J:B-because mY my dad killed your, your dad *stutters out *
Y/N: Listen Jack, I'll be honest with you. What happened between our dads stays between them. I'm nothing like my dad and I am in no way part of his Mafia shit either. Let me guess. Your dad had to sacrifice a child because he killed my dad?
J: Y-yes
Y/N: Stop being nervous. Honest I'm nothing like that. Is there something that will calm you down?
J: Not really. I'm just nervous and panicking
Y/N: Lets put work aside for now. What are you panicking about?
J: Something a bit personal. I've heard lots of stories
Y/N: *laughs* How old are you?
J: I'm 17 but I'll be 18 soon.
Y/N: I'm 19, I've not long since turned 19. Are you being paid for working here?
J: N-no
Y/N: Well that changes as of today, okay? You dont need to tell anyone. Not even your dad. Do you still live with your family?
J: No! *scratches back of his neck*
Y/N: So where do you stay?
J: Em, I'm not sure. When my dad agreed to this, he said he wasnt allowing me in his house.
Y/N: Oh wow! I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want me to chat with him?
J: No please dont!
Y/N: Jack, has he done something to you?
J: When he gets mad he hits me. I'm the youngest son so he takes it out on me. *panics*
Y/N: Okay. Jack, look at my eyes, take deep breathes in and breathe out. Keep looking at me and keep doing those breathing exercises.

Slowly Jack's breathing starts to go back to normal.

Y/N: I'm intrigued to know. What stories have you heard?
J: That Mafia bosses use their victims as sex slaves for their daughters or themselves! That they could kill you if you say one word wrong. *gulps*
Y/N: Jack, my dad is dead so that wont be happening. As for the sex slave part, I wouldn't mind that but I'm not like that. So your safe. Now I have one more question?
J: O-Okay?
Y/N: I have a house with a few spare rooms and my brother stays there. He is at school just now. You are more than welcome to stay at our house as long as you are telling the truth.
J: I am. I dont want to be part of my dads gang Miss Y/L/N
Y/N: Jack call me Y/N.
J: Okay thanks Y/N.
Y/N: Come on! I've no meetings planned today and I think you could use some warmth and a shower. I'll tell my secretary that I'll be having the afternoon off.
J: What are you going to do to me?
Y/N: Huh? I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm just going to take you home, let you shower and I'll make you something to eat. We could watch a movie and chill?
J: Sure

You tell your secretary you are heading home and you take Jack with you.

You get into your car and Jack is shaking.

Y/N: Are you okay?
J: Mhmmm.
Y/N: I know I dont know you well but would you like a hug?
J: Yes please

You leave over and hug Jack He relaxes alot. He accidentally touches your breast 

J:Oh my god! I'm so sorry
Y/N: Its all good. Accidents happen *smiles*

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