Part 4

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E: Wow!
Jo: Please dont leave her because of me Eben
E: I have no plans in doing anything like that
Jo: I'll talk to her. I'm sorry Eben
E: Its all good bro.
Jo: Lets go see her
E: Thank you for telling us the story. I'm so sorry for your loss. Some men can be jerks and clearly her ex was. Thank you for looking after Y/N.
P: You're welcome. Please remember that your sister is allowed to live and be normal. Talk to her and tell her if she needs help or advice to ask you. Dont make her. Dont get angry with her. Love and protect her.
Jo: I will. Thank you so much. Sorry for your loss. This has really made me think
P: Thank you and you're welcome. I wish you all good luck!
E:*laughs* I think we will need it
Jo: *Laughs* Yeah. I hope she is going to be okay
P: Hopefully she will be

They head back into the cubicle and see you sitting up.

Jo: Y/N! Thank God!
Y/N: Hey Jo
E: Hey Y/N
Y/N: Hey E
Jo: I'm so sorry Y/N
Y/N: What for?
Jo: Causing you to run away. If I hadn't argued with you and Eben this wouldn't have happened
Y/N: We argued?
Jo: Dont you remember?
Y/N: I dont remember, sorry

Eben walks out the cubicle. He starts to cry cause you dont remember what happened the night before.

Y/N: Why did he leave?
Jo: Y/N we argued because you and Eben are dating. You allowed him to take your virginity.
Y/N: Oh! I'm so sorry Jo. I didn't mean to cause problems
Jo: You never. We argued because I was being to protective. That changes as of today. I cant loose you and I can't go through this again.
Y/N: What happened to me?
Jo: You ran out the house and got hit by a car
Y/N: Oh.....
N: Miss Frantzich, we have your results here.
Y/N: Okay, tell me the worst?
N: You have bruising to your brain which has caused slight swelling. You should regain your memory over the next few days. You need stitches on your face. You have a broken arm. Apart from that you've been very lucky.
Jo: What happens next?
N: We will put her arm in a cast. Stitch up her face and she will stay in for 3 days
Jo: Is there anyway I can get a private room so someone can stay over?
N: I can try?
Jo: I'm willing to pay for it
E: I'll help and I'll stay
Y/N: E I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. My memory will come back in a couple of days. I'm sorry
E: Its okay, it's not your fault. I will stay with you and we can talk, watch movies and stuff our faces
Y/N: *laughs* Sounds Good

You got moved to your private room. Whilst you where resting Jonah and Eben went to get clothes, body wash etc for you and Eben. Eben went to the local Walmart and got snacks etc for the room. He went back to the house collected the bags of clothes. Jonah was driving him back to the hospital. They stopped at KFC to get you something to eat as you love KFC when you feel unwell in any way.

Jonah parks up at the hospital and helps Eben upto the room. Once the get to the room they knock on the door and enter the room.

Mom: Hey guys! We need to talk!

Jonah can see your mom is pissed off. They all head out to the corridor, leaving just yourself and your dad in the room. Esther and Svea are at home with Zebulon.

*Outside in corridor *

Mom: Jo I thought I told you to stop being like this with her!
Jo: I know mom but she is my twin, my best friend Ofcourse I'm going to protect her 
Mon: Jo there is protecting her and being controlling. Sadly you have been the last one. She is the same age as you Jonah. You need to remember this. You know she will come to you if she has any issues or concerns. If it doesn't stop Jonah she will stop telling you things and your bond will be broken.
Jo: I know mom. I've learnt that now. I'm sorry.
Mom: Now Eben, what's happening with you two?
E: I asked her to be my girlfriend. I love her so much Mrs Frantzich
Mom: I can see you do. Please take care of her. Dont let her get hurt by anyone 
E: I won't.
Mom: Also why has she got a bruised chin/cheek bones?
Jo: She went clubbing when the boys said Eben had a girlfriend. It was a big misunderstanding.
E: I went to the club to tell her the boys got their facts wrong and I didn't have a girlfriend. I got into the club and a guy was harassing her. He grabbed her face tightly
Mom: Right that explains the marks
E: The guy wouldn't let go so I gave her my car keys and pried the guys hands off her face. Then I dealt with him
Mom: Ohhh, I'm glad you got there in time Eben.
E: Can I go back in the room please?
Mom: Sure
E: Sorry I'm missing Y/N. Talking about it all has made me feel a bit lost and down.

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