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"They're doing this musical again?" I thought to myself as I started at the drama club's poster that was smack dab on the wall. It was promoting their upcoming play this year, which was Mamma Mia. I remember them doing Mamma Mia back in my first year, and yes I went, and yes it was absolute torture.

Yo, the name's y/n Tachibana, and if you haven't already found out, I'm not the biggest fan of musicals, or plays, or the theatre, basically acting in generally. Now your probably wondering why I hate it so much, we'll it's pretty's all because of my dad. When I was ten, my father ditched me, my mother, and older sister and hasn't reappeared since.

I remember being close with my father, so much that he was my number one person in life. He used to take me and my big sister to the MANKAI theater, where he worked as a director. I don't remember the specifics of how he left, but when he did, I vowed to never enjoy the stage ever again. Of course, you can say that I'm being petty and that I should get over this, but my dad left me and my family out of the blue, so why should I continue liking something that my deadbeat dad worked in?

I put my hands in my school blazer's pockets and began to walk away from the poster but was stopped by a way to happy voice. "Hey y/n! You interested in joining this year's production?" The happy voice said, walking over to where I was. Oh's Kokoro...

Kokoro is literally the most annoying person you could meet in your life. Not only is she a key member of the drama club (which is already a strike for me), but if you look straight at a poster maybe by said club, she thinks your automatically interested in joining. "So...are ya?" Kokoro asked, her golden drills bouncing as she spoke. Sometimes I wished her and her big boobs could just vanish. " already know what I'm going to say." "That your going to participate in the play?" "No, that I'm not going to get involved in this excuse for entertainment at all."

"W-what?" Kokoro said in shock, her once bright smile gone. "I'm not getting involved, so get out of my way." I said to the blond girl, pushing her to the side so I can leave. I know that it was rude for me to do that, but if you spent the last three years of your life with that blabbermouth, you'll act the same way.

It was the end of the school day so I decided to head right back home. What? You thought I had friends who were going to ask me out to grab something at a cafe or do some karaoke. Well think again. As I waited for the bus, I put in my earbuds and played some music, drowning out everyone around me. Hell, it's only when The bus stopped at my destination did I realize I was even on the bus.

I opened the door to my house, and was greeted by my mom's cheerful voice. "Hello honey! How was your day!" She called out from the kitchen. "Nothing special." "Your sister's home, she's in her room." "Thanks for letting me know so I could avoid her." As you could see, me and my sister, Izumi, aren't the closest. We never been close since we were kids but still tolerated each other. I stopped associating myself with Izumi ever since she had her "actor phase". She has since stopped but I never bothered trying to patch up our relationship.

When I got into my room, I fell face first onto my bed. "God, I missed you." I said into my pillow. I took out my iPhone and  scrolled threw my apps, which mainly consisted of dress up games and dating sims.

"Maybe I should replay MysticMessenger again..."

"Hey, y/n! You need to get down here!" Izumi called out from the living room, distracting me from the manga I was just reading. "Fine!" I called back, putting my manga down and walking down the steps of the stairs to the living room where Izumi and mom was. "What's so important that you need me to come down here for?" I asked to Izumi, putting my hands in my pockets.

Izumi showed me a letter but it was no ordinary letter, it was a letter addressed to "Yukio Tachibana..." I muttered, my eyes widening over the shock. Yukio was my father's name... "the sender comes from a guy named Isuke Matsukawa from the MANKAI company." Izumi said, "We haven't been there in a while."

"What do they want?" I said, crossing my arms, "What do they want with a person who hasn't been seen in years." "y/n, you know dad used to work there, maybe who sent this wanted a reunion with him." Izumi said, but I only huffed and said back "So you're gonna go there and tell this Matsukawa guy that dad's probably dead?"

"y/n! Don't say that!" My mom said, but I only stayed silent. "y/n...are you still mad at on dad?" Izumi asked, concern on her face. "No! I just gave up on him and so should you." I answered her, a blush coming on my face. "Well, if you moved on, you probably won't mind if you come with me to Veludo way?" Izumi asked, causing me to lose my composure a bit.

"Come with you?! W-why should I do that?" I asked back at her. "If you want to tell Mr.Matsukawa that dad's dead, then your going to have to tell him yourself." Izumi said, the "You have no other option to say yes" look on her face. "I'm not going!" I said, and went back up to my room and slammed the door.

But I did go...and it was the worst yet best decision of my life....

Author's note: Just wanted to let you know that y/n's thoughts on theatre and the people who perform on it do not match the opinions of my own. I love the stage and I just wanted to write a fanfic featuring a character like this. I also want to say that the events in the story will follow the anime's continuity rather than the game's so please keep that in my mind. And on a final note, all the art that you see in the book does not belong to me but the amazing artists behind them. Now that the formalities are out of the way, I hope you all enjoy this story and I'll see you all in the first official chapter! (ꉺᗜꉺ)

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