(A/N) Ask the Losers!! Here you can ask questions and the losers club will answer!! (please ask questions ahahah)
They are all 17 in this!)

Richie: Hi!
Stan: I'm going to punch you in the face.
Richie: WHAT. WHAT DID I DO???
Stan: Ed, please switch spots with me.
Eddie: Deal.
*Stan and Eddie high five as Eddie sits next to Richie instead of Stan.*
Ben: This is for you guys to ask us questions and we'll answer them!
Beverly: It can be anything. Make 'em sad, make 'em spooky, make 'em soft! Anything your heart desires. Hate messages will be punished by a brick.
Mike: Sorry, a what?
Bev, holding a brick:
Mike: Oh.
Bill: We d-de-decided to all s-s-sa-say a f-fun-fact to get us started. J-J-Just so this chapter isn't b-b-b-b...
Richie: Boring. Just so this chapter isn't boring.
Bev: He can finish for himself.
Richie: Right. Sorry, B-B-Billy.
Bill: It's f-fine.
Stan: Well, I'm Stan and my current hyper-fixation is sheet music.
Bev: I have a piano, I could help teach you.
Stan: Ill literally marry you.
Bill: Anyway, I'm B-B- I'm Bill and I r-r-r-really like art. O-O-Origami, drawing, writing, singing. All that. Just c-c-c-creation.
Ben: I'm Ben and I guess I like reading and writing. Love learning.
Richie: Woah, Nerd-Alert, am I right?
*Richie receives death glare. Ben chuckles.*
Ben: I think it's cool. Doesn't matter if you don't.
Richie: I'm just messing around. I still love ya, kid.
Ben: I'm 3 months older than you.
Stan: Stop flirting and move on!
Richie: As soon as you stop sucking face with Big B-B-Bill in private.
Stan: What
Mike: Do y'all mind if I do my intro now.
Bev: Whenever you're ready.
Mike: Okay, well I'm Mike and I really love beaches and stuff. I've always wanted to go to like Hawaii, Florida, California. Ya know?
Eddie: Sounds nice.
Stan: Sounds Rice.
Richie: Damn right.
*They high five.*
Eddie: I'm Eddie and I'm allergic to peanuts, penicillin, shellfish, eggs, most forms of gluten, cats, pollen, dust, and bees. If I get stung by a bee I'm at risk to go into cardiac arrest.
Richie: The only thing you'd be arrested for is being so sexy.
Eddie: I'm gonna kill you while you're sleeping.
Bill: Me f-f-f-first though, you p-promised!
Eddie: I didn't promise you jack-shit buddy. Oh! I can also tie a makeshift tourniquet in 14 seconds flat.
Richie: I'm Richie and I can solve a Rubik's cube in under two minutes.
Bev: Impressive. Doubtful, but impressive.
Richie: Thank you, kind of.
Bev: I'm Beverly, and I'm living with my aunt but every summer she lets me come back home to hang out with these himbos.
Stan: Excuse me?
Bev: Oh, Stan you're not a himbo. Nor Mike and Ben. Or Eds.
Bev: Yeah, that's it.
Bill: I-I-I'd argue but I don't know w-w-w-what a hi-hi-himbo is.
Bev: My point exactly.
Mike: Alright! Everyone, ask your questions in the comments and we'll answer as soon as we can! This should be fun!
Ben: Byeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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