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"i'm really sorry about hyeji, she's been a bitch ever since i broke up with her, please don't listen to her."  jeongguk said in the car trying to ease jimin but still feeling furious. he just felt furious that when he finally starting feeling happy, hyeji just had to come back and destroy it for him.

jimin sniffed as he rubbed his wet eyes. obviously it did hurt to hear what hyeji said. he's even starting to get called it on his socials. but why did her's hurt the most ? was it the fact that she was jeongguk's previous crush, girlfriend, lover even. it just hurt his heart thinking that she was his first love. "its okay koo, i mean look what i'm wearing and she's right about what i did."

"but it's not, minnie!"

minnie, gosh my heart..

"you are not a whore, not even close. the next time she calls you that again, i will not hesistate to yell or push her i don't care. and you're outfit? the cutest thing i've seen, and you were drunk if you are referring to that event." jeongguk gripped on his steering wheeling tightly feeling angry just thinking about hyeji. it was strange that he was being expressively angry and able to compliment at the same time.

the smaller male notices how red jeongguk's hands became and places his hand on top of his trying to sooth the taller male, rubbing his thumb against jeongguk's soft hand mostly because jimin didn't want him to get calluses or blisters.

luckily jeongguk felt relaxed from jimin's touch and relaxed his hands from gripping too hard. he felt jimin's hand come off and without hesitation, he grabbed jimin's hand back and intertwined it with his and place their hands in his lap while keeping his other hand on the steering wheel. he didn't know why he decided to hold the blond's hand but it felt so right. his heart was pumping a little and felt butterflies in his stomach.

of course jimin was internally freaking out in his head and tried his very best not to shake or freak jeongguk out. was this real life? was the jeon jeongguk holding his hand? oh fuck oh fuck-

"is this okay jimin? you're shaking a little."

jimin snapped back into reality and looked at the raven haired male who still kept hid gaze at the road. hot.

"ah yes, sorry i'm still shaken up from hyeji."

he saw jeongguk nod and felt his hand grip onto jimin's more making jimin blush harder than he was. oh how he didn't want this to end.

however though, the sweet moment he was living through ended as he saw jeongguk pull up to his house. wait, jeongguk's house? he felt the car turn off and jeongguk's hand remove from his hand to remove the key from ignition.

"since that bitch decided to ruin this day for us, and to make it up to you, i was wondering if you want to just spend time watching some movies or play video games and eat some snacks or i can order some take out? there's a chinese restaurant close by that does delivery if you want some." jeongguk spoke softly looking at jimin while scratching his neck clearly nervous a little and anticipated waiting for an answer.

jimin looked back at jeongguk processing what he had just heard. he wants to still hang out with him to make it up to him? it was then jimin broke into a smile looking at jeongguk with his familiar eye smile. that literally made jeongguk internally coo inside looking at the blond boy smile so beautifully. how did someone look so beautiful smiling. it was something he wanted to see for the rest of his life.

"yes i'll totally hang out with you still."

now jeongguk was smiling like an idiot and he quickly left his car to open jimin's door and pull him out which he then hugged him smiling but also still apologizing for today. "ah thank god, i'm still very sorry for hyeji. lemme take away that pain she caused you."

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