Chapter 10

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Heya yall this chapter is gonna be very triggering and I'll explain the thoughts that Kiyo had at the end

3rd pov:
Basically tw starts here so be careful guys ily

They opened the door and what they saw was absolutely sickening. Kiyo laid passed out on the bathroom floor with blood running down one of his forearms and a pocket knife in his other hand.

Rantaro gasped and dropped to the floor, sobbing.

Shorty's eyes went wide and he ran to get the others.

"Guys, quick, Its Kiyo, he- he- he may have killed himself." Shorty said out of breath.

Kaz, Momo, and Gundy immediately ran back to the bathroom and found Rantaro sitting on the floor shaking and sobbing.

Kaz sat behind Rantaro and tried to comfort him.

Gundy stepped into the bathroom and started to clean Kiyo. The word FAG was carved pretty deeply into his arm.

"We need to get him to a hospital, now" Gundy started quietly. "We have no clue how long he's been out and from the looks of it he lost a lot of blood" He continued "It would be best if someone takes him out back to his bunk so the we can get the body on the couch" He added and mentioned toward Rantaro.

"'Taro, let's get you to bed, alright. We'll take care of Kiyo we promise." Kaz gently said to Rantaro.

Rantaro shook his head "N-no, I-I wanna s-st-stay with h-im" Rantaro said between sobs.

"Well, we need to at least get you from the doorway so that we can move Kiyo" Kaz said.

Rantaro nodded and stood up. He walked to the living area and sat on the floor next to the couch.

Gundy gently picked up Kiyo's body and placed it on the couch. He then told the driver that they needed to get to the hospital as quick as possible.

"S-should we call 911?" Rantaro asked.

"I think it'd be best" Momo answered and picked up the phone to dial 911

(An: so the bold is momo/ anyone else in the group italics is the 911 operator)

911 what's your emergency?

Uh, it's my friend, he tried to kill himself.

Can you explain everything from the beginning up to until you found him in full detail for me sir?

We just finished a show and we got on the tour bus about 4 hours ago, as soon as we got on the bus he went into the bathroom and we didnt see him again until about 5 minutes ago.

Is your friend currently awake?

No, we dont know how long hes been out.

So, what did he do?

He deeply carved the word 'fag' into his left forearm

Okay, what is your friend's name?

Korekiyo, Korekiyo Shinguji

Alright, is there really any reason he would want to do this to himself?

Not that I know of, his life has been decent this past couple of years.

What about before then?

I dont really feel comfortable stating it's not a pleasant story,

Okay then, where is your current location?

We're on a highway on our way to Texas. I dont know what one.

Hmmm, and you said that the possible time span is between 4 hours ago and now?

Correct. What do you suggest we do?

Look for a pulse, take two finders and place them just below his jawline.

I feel it.

Good, so he's alive, that can always change, tell your driver to get you to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

Will do.

The call ended and they were on their way to the hospital.

Rantaro was still crying into his knees with Kaz rubbing his back slowly. He held Kiyo's hand and cried into his shoulder. "W-why?" He choked out. "J-just wh-why?"

"'Taro there's somethings that happened in his past, this may be the cause of it all" Gundy said trying to make him feel better.

Rantaro nodded, not really knowing what happened but still understanding that this could be the cause of everything.

☆small time skip they're now at the hospital and Kiyo is being treated, in lazy and I really wanna get this chapter out dont judge me☆

A doctor walked out into the waiting room and looked at the group. "Only two at a time" he said.

The whole group looked at Rantaro and Kaz, gesturing for them to go because they were the two closest to Kiyo.

Rantaro, Kaz, and the doctor walked to the room. There they saw Kiyo with IVs all in his arm and connected to many machines.

"He lost a lot of blood, but he'll survive" the doctor said before walking out of the room.

Rantaro pulled a chair up next to the bed and just stared at Kiyo in his sleeping state, even though he just went through some mad shit he still looks, calm in a way.

Kaz stood at the foot of the bed examining the entire room, trying his hardest not to look at his best friend with bandages covering his arm.

Kiyo started to twitch a little bit.

Rantaro sat up and looked at his boyfriend that was stirring awake.

After a couple minutes of stirring Kiyo woke up and looked at Rantaro. "I-Im so s-orry 'Taro baby" he croaked.

"Shsh it's okay Kiyo, no need to apologize but I just wanna know why" Rantaro said in a hushed tone.

"Well i-" Kiyo started but sadly he couldn't finish because a doctor walked in.

"Visiting time is over boys, come back tomorrow, he'll be able to leave then" the doctor said.

The two boys nodded, Rantaro kissed Kiyo on the forehead and walked out behind Kaz.
Hey yall so explaining time. The song that gave the weird thoughts is essentially about a boy who grew up in a homophobic town and was outed for being gay, the boy was ridiculed and made fun of to the point that he killed himself. Kiyo's life was a little similar, now I didnt grow up in NJ so this is just for purposes of the plot, but Kiyo grew up in a homophobic town and his sister told everyone that he was gay and Kiyo was also made fun of for being gay and he self harmed because of it. When Kiyo was about 17 he wrote the song based off of what he was feeling back then. On the night that he had the weird thoughts he started thinking about all of that again and he felt like he couldn't talk to anyone (which he could have but he just felt like no one cared) so he tried to end his own life. But yeah that's basically it.
Remember you are loved, you are worth it, drink water, and wash ya fuckin hands smh


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