Chapter Nineteen

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Lucy raced over to Tranquillitea, knowing she only had a short amount of time left for breakfast with the girls. Rachel and Lilith were at their usual table in the back when she charged through the door.

"Sorry, sorry. I had to have a quick cup of tea with Scarlett," she said as she dropped down into her seat.

Sarah rushed over, looking flustered. The place was packed. "Honestly, we're supposed to be at Eden and Noah's in just under two hours and it's the busiest this place has been in months." She put a tray down in front of them that had everything they needed to make their own drinks. "There's no hot chocolate there I'm afraid," she said to Lilith. "Unless you'd like to make your own at the counter. Please, feel free." And then she was gone.

"I feel like we should probably give her a hand." Lucy watched Sarah rush around the café with a heavy feeling of guilt. There was another girl on the counter, but still, the place really was busy.

"We'll help as soon as you fill us in on how it went last night," Rachel replied as she grabbed Lucy's hand, pulling on it so Lucy turned to look at her.

"Just... spare us the details," Lilith added.

"Oh, no way! She has to tell us everything!" Rachel exclaimed, looking at Lilith with raised eyebrows.

Lucy shook her head and laughed. "I'm not going to tell you everything." She began pouring herself a cup of tea. "Do you guys want one?" she asked.

Rachel nodded.

Lilith contemplated the tea pot for a second before pushing her cup toward Lucy. "Alright, I'll give tea a try."

Lucy finished pouring out the tea and then sat back, taking a sip from her cup. Rachel was practically bouncing on the spot, much to Lilith's entertainment.

"Oh, come on!" Rachel pushed, trying to take the cup out of Lucy's hands. "Just tell us already."

Lucy quickly put the cup down before its contents were spilled all over the table. "Alright, alright."

She told the girls almost everything about her evening with Tristan, leaving out the part about her mother, once again deciding that it was something that she preferred to keep to herself. She also left out the more personal details. What she did share was her connection with Tristan and how she suddenly felt different. Stronger.

"It was such an amazing night," Lucy finished, picking up her cup again. "I've never felt like this about anyone before."

Rachel was positively beaming. "This is so great!"

"How was your date last night?" Lucy asked. "And please, definitely no details."

Rachel laughed. "Of course." She went a little red in the face before continuing. "He took me to the spot by the lake where we all were the other day, and he set up a picnic that he had made himself." She smiled down into her teacup. "He said that he took me back there because, while it was nice being there with all of you, he'd spent the whole day wishing that it was just the two of us." Her smile widened when she looked across the table at Lucy. "We watched the sun set and he gave me his jacket when I was cold."

Lucy listened on, impressed at how much thought Jared had put into his date with Rachel. Who knew my brother could be so romantic? she thought. She made a mental note to tell him how well he had done later.

"I'm so glad you had such a nice night, Rach," Lucy replied, reaching out to pat Rachel's hand. "I'm really happy for you guys."

Lucy then looked across the table at Lilith. During Rachel's story, Lucy had noticed Lilith slowly beginning to tune out, staring into her cup of tea like she wanted to be anywhere else but here.

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