Chapter 5: talking

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/////// Sky's POV///////
I rushed to the dungeons, I want to see these two.
I hear voices from the cells, one female and a male, ass well as the insane laughter from Bodil.
I stop for a bit, listening to what the voices are saying.
"I can't believe its been two years since we left" the female says
"Me neither, it feels like it was just yesterday they kicked me out" male voice.
"Well, my old mentor was pretty much the same, I wonder how much your old crush has changed?"
"Shut up! You know what he has done, he's corrupted nowadays"
"I know, I know, calm down Seto, there's no need to panic" Seto? I recognize that name...
"Sorry x-glitch" he was about to say another name, I wounded what it was?
"Yeah, yeah, let's just wait for that lazy ass king to get her so we can get over with it"

I walk in, and see 4 eyes stare at me, two red and two brown.
The male has a hood covering most off his face, but you cans se his brown eyes almost shining.
"Glitch, I think the lazy ass king has arrived" the male, who's name I believe is Seto, says, his voice empty of emotion.
I stare bleakly at the two.
"I've said it before and I say it now, insult someone and they'll walk into the room" the girl, who I believe is named Glitch, stated.
"Mitch told me you wanted to deliver something to me, what?" I commanded
"Uh, it was something along the lines of 'not all recruiters serve the same army forever' Seto, do you remember the whole thing?" Glitch asked, looking over at the sorcerer next to her.
" 'We will not tell you who, but some recruits have been yours, have fun knowing you might hurt old friends' you really need to start memorizing this kinda stuff, glitch" Seto said, rolling his eyes.
" we weren't even planning on telling him during this mission anyway" Glitch said

This is going to be interesting.

A king isn't always nice {a sketo fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now