Th-That was..You? Just friends...are we? Chapter 2

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"Do you remember me yet, Zane?" Jax asked still caressing my knuckles with his soft, gentle hands

"This feeling, of the way you comfort me. It soothes me..." I mumbled in his ear

"I used to do that to calm you down" he smiled

"I feel like...I know you, do I?"

"Yes, we met decades ago...before...I left.." he looked down


"Don't leave me, okay Jax?" Young Zane asks hugging Jax

"I won't...I promise"

~End Of flashback~


"So, you remember me?"

"Yeah...that was, December 17..1890.." I said, collecting myself

"It was..your birthday.."

"The last day we saw each other..."

"Hey, it was in the past..I know you had a reason to's okay" I cupped his cheeks

"Y'know, there was this song...we both loved.." he said standing up

"Which is?"

He took a deep breath,

"So let me just give up

So let me just let go-"

He stops...

"-If this isn't good for me

Well, I don't wanna know"

I continued...

"I knew that you'd never forget that song..." he smiled proudly

"After decades...I can't believe we get to see each other again.." I smiled

"I should head to class, I'll see you at lunch" I said leaving the room


As classes ended, I grabbed my book and went my way towards my locker.

But on my way, I heard a lot of talking, I saw there was a crowd of people talking to one girl like she's famous or something.

She then saw me, I don't know why, but I decided not to snoop any longer so I just went to put my book away.


I closed my locker, to my surprise. Jax was there

"Oh, Hi" I said awkwardly

"C'mon, don't be soo awkward with me, we're friends now" he said

"F-Friends, right" I said

We're just friends...nothing more.. I thought to myself

~After Lunch~

While I was leaning on my locker, waiting for Jax.

Later, I saw him, but he was talking to a girl? Are

I looked away so they won't suspect that I'm evesdropping on their conversation

"You're such a lucky guy Y'know? Talking to one of the most HOTTEST girl you'll ever meet!" The girl says, clearly flirting with him

"Oh yeah, I'm SOO lucky haha.." he replied, he seemed sarcastic about it

I decided to step in, he looked like he needed some help

"Hey Jax! I-uhhh, lost my way to the art class. Mind helping me find it?" I asked, Well, I am trying to help him so-

"Oh, I'll show you" He immediately latches onto me and we walked as quick as we can

"But wait!-" we heard the girl


"Thanks for helping me back there" he said with his signature smile

"No prob, who was that girl anyways?"

"She's Stella, she thinks she's the "Hottest" girl, but I don't think so" he chuckled

So they aren't a thing, maybe I still have a chance with him...

"Huh, she has some high self-esteem, has she checked the mirror yet? Haha" Jax joked

"She likes you man, but she needs to work on her so-called "flirting" skills" I giggled

"Say, do you naturally have red hair? I'm just asking, since it's rare to see someone have red hair" Jax asked


I knew someone was gonna ask about it-


"Go on"

"Yeah, I was born with red hair, I dyed it blue before. But it seems to have started wearing off" I said embarrassed

"Aww, don't be embarrassed baby. Your hair is unique" he says patting my head

Wait, did he just call me.."baby"? I-I don't even know what to say

"I-I, uhhh" I blushed

"Aww, your killing me with your cuteness" he says putting his hand on his chest

"I'm not cute!" I said still flustered

"Haha, keep denying it. But your still cute to my eyes~" he cooed

~After classes~

After classes were done, I decided to do my homework to get a higher mark in class

~After all that~

I was on my way to, I dunno. My spot? Since it's the dance and I didn't get to go, I had to prioritise my homework, I then found the fireplace, I sat on the soft carpet and stared at the fire as it moves.

I hope you like me back....

I really hope...


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