5 | breece

561 14 7

"safe with you"
- fluff
- 1176 words

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Blake: I need us to stop.

Reece: why?

Blake: doesn't matter

Reece: ok.

Blake looked down at his phone. Those messages were old. From two weeks ago, in fact. He should be over the blonde boy. He should be over the blonde boy, who made his poor life at least a bit better.

He wasn't. He missed him so much. And it hurt. More than anything else.

He hated himself for doing it. He shouldn't do what his friends wanted him to do. He still did. He was scared of them. So, he ended up doing what they wanted him to do. And they thought, loving someone from the same gender was wrong. So they made Blake breaking up with his half-boyfriend.

"Fuck!", Blake yelled, grabbing the glass next to him and throwing it on the wall. With a loud noise, it fell and shattered in a thousand pieces. "Shit, shit, shit", Blake murmured, knowing he should calm down. He needed to clean up the pieces before his dad would be back. And he still needed to do the dishes and the washing up. Otherwise, he'd get real problems.

While cleaning up the glass, his mind went over to Reece. He already missed him. He missed his motivating messages and his talent to make everything okay. Making it better for some minutes. Making Blake feel like he was worth something and like he wasn't just a piece of trash how he felt like whenever his father was there.

"I'm sorry, Reece", he whispered. "I miss you. I love you. I didn't mean to write this. Please, come back to me." A tear rolled down his cheek, he wiped it away. His father would just say he was weak. He was, though. He tried to seem strong and emotionless but in fact, he wasn't. He thought too much and not really good things about himself. He was done. Broken. And weak.

And the only person who ever made is better was Reece. Reece was there when he needed him and Reece could make him happy. He'd wipe his tears away, hug him tight and give him a soft kiss. Then he'd tell him that everything would be fine. And even though Blake knew it wouldn't be, it felt like it for that one moment.

Reece didn't know his problems. He didn't know why sometimes Blake stood in front of his door in the middle of the night, tears all over his face, with bruises everywhere. He didn't ask. Blake wanted to tell him, but he just couldn't. Still, Reece was there for him. Every. Damn. Time.

And now he was gone. It was Blake's fault. He knew it. It wasn't that hard to find out. He wished he'd never hang out with those guys. Those guys who gave a shit about him and wouldn't even care. He wanted Reece back.

"Please, Reece, come back to me", his voice was cracked. He couldn't really talk. He cried again. "I promise, I didn't mean it like that." He knew Reece wouldn't. He fucked up. It was all his fault.


Waterdrops fell down on the ground. Blake stumbled the last steps to the door. Everything hurt and he was freezing and wet from the cold rain outside. He ran all the way here through the rain, not really knowing where else to go after his father kicked him out.

It was Saturday. A bad Saturday. In the morning, Blake didn't imagine the day to turn out that bad. It started as a good day. His father came not drunk home from the bar, instead, he was sober and actually nice to the brunette boy. He even made pancakes and they ate breakfast together.

But after Blake just finished showering, everything went wrong. That's how he ended up here, which was probably a mistake too.

He didn't remember knocking on the door, but maybe that was just because he didn't really realize anything that happened around him right now. However, the door got opened by a blonde boy.

"What are you doing here, Blake? I don't-", Reece interrupted himself as he realized Blake's tears. After he realized the blood all over his face and the bruises on the boy's arms. The wet shirt, Blake shaking, probably because he was freezing.

"Sorry", Blake whispered. He couldn't really talk. His voice didn't work. He was done. With himself, his father, his life. Everything. "I didn't mean to come. I just didn't know where else to go. And I wanted to say sorry." He looked up from the ground, right in Reece's blue eyes. "I'm sorry, Reece." His voice cracked halfway through the sentence, causing him to cough. He felt so bad. He was still crying. He just couldn't stop.

Reece pulled him into a hug. Even though Blake hurt him, he loved the brunette and there was nothing worse than seeing him sad. "Hey, it's okay", he whispered, softly stroking Blake's hair. "We'll go in and get you out of these wet clothes, yeah? You'll get some of mine."

Blake just nodded, holding Reece tight to him. He didn't answer. He felt safe now. Reece was there. He was in Reece's arms. Reece would be there for him. He missed this feeling so much. He missed Reece so much.

Reece went, with Blake holding onto him and not letting go, into the bedroom. He helped Blake out of his shirt, only to realize even more bruises on the boy's upper body. "Who did those to you?", Reece asked while getting Blake's face free of the blood. His nose bled, which Blake considered as nothing special. He'd be fine.

"Dad", Blake answered quietly to Reece's question.

Reece looked up. "Your father did this?"Blake just nodded, his brown eyes fixating the ground. Reece swallowed. He felt so bad for not realizing it earlier. He felt bad for letting Blake go back to getting hurt.

"Please don't feel bad, Reece", Blake said. "I never told you. It's not your fault. You always made it better."

Now it was Reece's turn to let a tear fall down his cheek. His boy got hurt. By his own dad. His own dad was the reason Blake sometimes stood in front of his door, done with the world, feeling worthless.

"I'm so sorry for telling you I wanted us to be over, Reecey", Blake said. "I love you."

"It's okay", Reece answered. He could never be mad at the smaller boy. "I love you too."

Blake's lips meet his, and for this very moment, everything was fine again. Blake felt happy. Safe. Completed. He never wanted to get away from the blonde boy again. He couldn't live one more second without the only person in his life worth living for.

And maybe, one day, he could get away from here. Out of town, in a new life, without all those bad memories from here. With Reece. It didn't matter where. Because when he was with Reece, everything was okay. He was safe.

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