That's Weird.

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November 7th, first day back to school. I feel really uncomfortable, Victoria isn't talking to me. So i only have 2 options, roll on my own, or roll with Samantha. Well of course, i roll with Samantha. It's starting to get really weird. I'm with Samantha, but she has a massive crowd of friends, that i don't know. I'm trying to fit in, it's going well, but awkward. I can hear people in the crowd whispering, 'Who's That Girl?' All of a sudden i see victoria pop out, "hey stranger." She says. in my head i'm just thinking... who is this girl calling stranger. But i just keep it cool and say, "hey victoria." i'm telling her that i need to talk to her. she says 'cool.' So we walk towards the net court. I'm explaining to her that she was there for me when no one was, and i really want to build our friendship up to the state it was in. She's nodding her head, but something tells me that she doesn't care. so i ask her, 'do you agree?' She says yes.

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