Tyler's POV
All the doctors leave and it is just me and Tiffany, perfect.
"Tiffany, can you come here?" She quickly gets up and comes to me.
"Tyler I am so sorry, I should have just let you kiss me and get it over with."
"No no, I was going to ask you if you had food I am starving." She laughs a little. I was hungry, I missed out on lunch because I was with some girl. I'm the bad boy. Don't hate.
"No Tyler I don't have any food."
"Hey, I am glad I got this." I point to my nose.
"The nurse wants someone to take care of me and since my mom and dad are away a lot I choose you."
"Why didn't you just say one of your gang members do it." I chuckle.
"Because they won't give me fragile care like you will." She blushes then turns her head away from me. I sit up and take her face and turns it to me. I lean in and about to kiss her, until the fucking knock on the door. She backs away and goes to the door.
"Who is it??"
"Friends of Tyler's."
"let them in Tiffany." She opens the door. They walk in.
"Ah hey boys." They give me some food and I can barley eat.
"Tiffany, can you help me?"
"But I'm eating." She puts a egg role in her mouth. "Please."
"Tyler I am eating."
"Just shut the hell up I will feed him for the love of The Lord shut up." Nate grabs the food and begins to feed me.
"Oh I never did get the gangs names" we laugh.
"We aren't in a gang. We are a group get it right."
"Well having black bikes and leather jackets just made me think."
"Well the one that has the blond hair is Max. I'm Nate. And that is Tyler."
"Wait. Where are the other 3?"
"Flirting with the nurses." She rolls her eyes. "Typical. So I was giving a lap dance to Max?"
"Yes you were." I straiten up and my heart monitor goes fast.
"Why were you on his lap?!?!?!"
"Why do you care?"
"Well I don't want anybody to hurt you." She stands up. "Why do you care!!! I am not your girlfriend!!! Stop treated me like I am!!!" She sets her food down angrily and storms off
I lay back down.
"Max, get the hell out of this room before I rip your balls and stuff them down your throat." Max quickly gets up and goes out the door.
"Jealous much?"
"Shut the hell up. I'm fucking tired leave me the fuck alone." I roll on my side and try and sleep. Tiffany walks in. She stops at me and shakes her head.
"Why are you shaking your head??" She looks at me in shock.
"No reason."
"You were thinking about me, weren't you??" I smirk.
"No, I wasn't."
"Uhu sure Tiffany." She walks to me and slaps my shoulder.
"Ow. Would you quit hitting me!! I am in so much pain already!!" She sits down on the couch.
"Well quit hurting my feelings."
"I'm sorry." I roll back on my side and sleep.
"No, please. Get away from me!!!!!" I woke up in shock. I look over at Tiffany and she was sleep crying. I don't know of that's possible but for her it was. I get up and walk over to her. I lay with her. She was hogging almost the whole couch. I put my arms around her and lay with her. She's so cute when she's- TYLER. QUIT IT. I let sleep take me over.