First Day (part 2)

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*Included a little sketch I made. Not great, but it helps me visualize. She has no glasses because I thought, well, I don't wear glasses all the time, so she can take a break too.



As we walked back to the dorms Midoriya, Ururaka, and Lida approached me. Lida commended me on my strength which was cool. Ururaka asked whether I had practiced martial arts; she had practiced with Gunhead-sensei before, so it was nice to be able to talk with someone that understood. This girl seems very perceptive, so I answered as shortly as I could that I have been trained since I was three years old. Finally, Midoriya spoke. I knew he was a fanboy, and this was bound to come up at some point.

"Your family is the Storm Squad, right?"I really couldn't help but to feel a little embarrassed, but I answered anyways, "Yes, that's right. You're the boy who writes down everything about the heroes he sees, right?"

"You know about that too?" he asks with a hint of pink in his cheeks and then continues with unbridled enthusiasm, "Your family is amazing! Each of them has a power related to the elements! You have Ms

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"You know about that too?" he asks with a hint of pink in his cheeks and then continues with unbridled enthusiasm, "Your family is amazing! Each of them has a power related to the elements! You have Ms.Hail, Raijin Rumble... " the boy certainly had done his homework about my family. "...but I had never read about you."

"That's what everyone says! They never mention me because I'm the weakest one, and still in training, which is why I want to learn as much as I can during my time here."

Thankfully, Momo called me and I had an excuse to leave; they were so nice, and I want to talk with them, just not about my family.

At the dorm, the group decided to play games to welcome me, but after a while, I excused myself to set up my bedroom. The truth is that I did not bring much, but I was not used to the attention like my family was. They are a fun group though. I really hope I can be their friend.

After I finished setting up my room, I decided to go to the roof, 'It seems like a good place to look at the sky and clear my head', or so I thought. It was liberating to just let my legs hang over the railing as I leaned back and took in the magnificent view of the stars. It felt a little like home. I was blissfully lost in thought until I heard a scoff behind me. It couldn't be him.

Regardless, I had to know, so I turned around and was met with a scowling Katsuki Bakugo, "What're you doing here, assface?" 'Can't he just leave a person alone?' I turned around to direct my attention back to the starry heavens before answering."I could ask you the same dipshit", I spat back. I'm usually very friendly, but guys like this just bring out the nasty competitiveness in me.

"You're in my spot, move"

"Got here first, asshole. You can sit next to me if you want, or you can sit anywhere else in this whole damned roof. Now shut up; you're disturbing my quiet."

"Tch. Who does this bitch think she is..." he muttered as he sat next to me—something I did not expect. Maybe he was just raised this way. I mean, he seems to treat everyone like this.

We both stayed silently looking into the distance. After some moments, I took out some spicy chips that I had brought from home and put the bag near him. The guy was abrasive and harsh, but that wasn't an excuse to be rude.

He didn't speak, but he reached to grab some chips and we continued until the bag was empty. This made me suppress a little smile. Seeing him in that light, while looking into the abyss made him seem kinda hot, although I would never admit that to him and his inflated ego. When the bag was empty, I smiled to myself and stood up, wiping away the dust that stuck to my legs, and began to walk away. I could feel his gaze on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look back. Instead, I waved, "Good night, blondie".


'Why the fuck is she sharing her chips with me? I didn't ask for them...but I can smell the barbecue; maybe just one...'

She started to get up, and I looked at her. For some reason my stupid stomach clenched, and I felt my face heat up a little. 'Were those chips expired or something?'

I stood up, deciding to go to my own room and saw that we were both pressing on the same floor button when we entered the elevator. Great. Another annoying neighbor.


From the corner of the hallway, Mina and Uraraka saw them as they descended from the roof and couldn't help but to blush. Mina quickly decided that they HAD to match them together somehow. After all, none of the girls actually talk to him intentionally, and for her to match him in fighting too, it had to be fate! Uraraka's mind was traveling to a daydream about her and Midoriya on the roof when she acceded without listening to Mina's plans.

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