School Day!!!

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"Lu'Rary Harris!" -Tommy Yells.

When I hear that I get so scared I gasp and slam my locker door.

"Y-yes?" -I asked in a terrified voice.
When I say that he looks me in the eyes and see how I'm about to cry.

"Um are you okay Lu?" -He said with a soft voice.

OH MY GOSH! I hate when he does that because he only does that when he's about to ask me to do something for him or too him😒.

"Yes I'm fine you just scares me a little Tommy." -I said with a crooked smile on my face.

"Ok, because I wanted to know if we can you know chill after school?"

"Tommy I'll have too see because I know what you plan on doing and me and Sean might be doing something."

"SEAN! Screw Sean I'm your boyfriend NOT HIM don't make me hurt you Lu'Ray!" -He said through gritted teeth.

My heart fills up with fear as he says this all I can think of is going too auntie Maya's house and having Sean hold me in his arms...

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