The Assignment

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Hi everyone! Welcome to my new story! I plan to make this a short story with little drama and a few fluffy moments. I'll do my best to update whenever I can. I hope you enjoy it!


Kody's eyes darted from the window to the clock ahead of him. It was nearly the end of the school day, and he didn't have the will to listen to anymore of his teacher's lecture. All he had to do was wait another...2 hours...

The witch boy released a bored sigh. Taking his arms he made a small nest and placed his head inside of it. Maybe he could rest a bit, it's not like his teacher would care. At least that's what he thought anyways.

Today was one of those days where you want nothing to do besides sleep in your bed. Though that was everyday for the green eyed boy. It was true he listened to what his teachers told him, school was important and all, however he never really participated in class. He didn't raise his hand to speak, he didn't do every homework assignment given to him, nor did he do class activities. Kody was smart but his actions didn't show that he was. He's teachers sure knew he wasn't the brightest. Not that he cared anyway.

It's not that Kody didn't want to have good grades, it's just there was no point in getting them. His textbooks and homework were always missing or thrown out in the trash, he was kicked and punched into lockers, he had no friends to talk to, besides Lumine. As you can see he doesn't really have a chance in getting a good grade.

As time passed the school bell finally rang, signaling it was time to go home. As everyone began to pack their things, Kody noticed his professor walk up to him. The man had a frown plastered on his face as he came to a stop at the boy's desk. If you couldn't tell already, the man wasn't too happy. This couldn't be good.

Clearing his throat the man spoke, "Kody, may I have a word with you?"

Kody nodded slowly.

The man continued. "I just wanted to say that, lately I've noticed you failing to pay attention during class and doing the assignments I've given you. Not to mention the textbooks you've been losing this year."

Kody released a sigh. "Is that it sir? I need to get going soon." The boy said non caring.

His professor began to rub his temples. "Don't you understand what that means? If this keeps up I'm afraid you'll be held back a year or even worse, expelled."

Kody's eyes widened. "Expelled!? Just for not participating in class?" Kody asked angrily.

"It's not only your lack in participation, your grades are considerably bad and that's not only my class." The whited haired man explained. "However after talking with the staff. we're willing to help you out. That is, if you want help."

Kody let out a frustrated growl but nodded nonetheless.

His teacher smiled. "Atta boy. Now liked I said we are willing to help, however there is one assignment you must complete to have full credit in all of your classes." He paused. "You must spend one full week with someone. This person may be a family member, a friend or even your nabor, but whoever it is you must write a full report of your time together. And we expect to have this assignment done by the end of the week or else..." The man said warningly.

Kody blinked. "That's all I have to do? I don't have to make up all my work?"

The man nodded. "That's all you have to do. Now if you excuse me I have to attend a meeting. It was nice talking to you." And with that the man left without a glance back.

Kody brushed a hand through his hair. The assignment was so simple, so why was it his only chance to get his grades up? The dark haired boy took a moment to think. Then it hit him.

He hardly had anyone if no one to do the assignment with.

Those good for nothing teachers...

What would he do now?

Sure he could just pretend to hang out with someone, but the staff might try to confirm that he actually did the assignment. The only option was to fully commit and find someone to do the assignment with.

He didn't want to do this.

But just as he gave up on his school life a familiar face walked in. Blue eyes scanned the room before landing on the only person in the class. The wolf boy smiled.

"Ah Kody! I've been searching for you, I thought you might've left without me." Lumine said nervously. Kody took this moment to think. Should I ask him? The witch boy began to stare at Lumine, making the wolf boy confused. "Is there something wrong Kody?"

Kody sighed. Might as well. "Wanna hang out this week?"

Lumine blinked. "Y-you're talking to me?" the boy asked, pointing to himself.

"No I was talking to the ghost behind you." Kody said sarcastically. Lumine jumped, frightened at Kody's words. Only making the witch boy roll his eyes. "I was just kidding, who else would I be talking to?"

"T-the ghost?" Lumine stammered.

Kody face palmed. "No- Don't make me regret asking you this. Do you want to hang out or not?"

Lumine then took this moment to process everything. He then beamed. "Of course I'll hang out with you! I can't believe you actually asked!"

"I don't get why that's such a big deal..." Kody muttered.

"It's just you never really said anything like that before. You're off? And this is the first time I actually was asked to hang out with someone!" Lumine explained cheerfully.


"Whatever, let's just go home. Dad's going nag me to death if we get home late." Kody said dismissively.

Lumine nodded and together they made their way out of school and back to headquarters. Kody was unsure of how this week would go, he just wanted it to get it over with. While Lumine on the other hand was ecstatic, he couldn't wait for the week to begin. Either way It was bound to be a long week for both of them.

[One Week. The Assignment- End]

Sorry for the shortish chapter! Updates will be a bit slow but thanks for reading! I hope you can enjoy this story as it continues in its journey. Have a great day!

-Cici out!!

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