twenty eight.

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~𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫~

Seven weeks later

Jake's bedroom

Jake and Isabel lay there on jakes bed, facing the ceiling thinking about their relationship.

The both have been arguing constantly to the point were there friends don't like being around them when their together because they know that every conversation with them will turn into an argument.

"What do you wanna do when you leave school?" Isabel wonders.

"I don't know. As a little kid my dream has always been to move to Hollywood and become an actor I just don't know if I want to do that anymore, you know"

"Yeah. When I'm older I wish to live a long happy life, get married, see my children grow up then watch their children grow up and then eventually die of old age" Issy shrugs and Jake nods.

It was then silent, no one talked.

"So...What should we do?" Isabel sighs.

"I don't know" Jake shrugs.

"I feel like we should You know...-"

"Break up?" Jake says and turns his head to look at her then turn it back to the ceiling.

Isabel takes a deep breath then nods her head. "Yeah. I hope you understand why though."

"I understand. I mean we argue every day, our friends don't like being around us together, we can't go a full conversation without arguing. Don't worry"

Isabel nods and gets up of the bed. She walks over to his bedroom door then turns around to face him.

"Hey, we didn't argue" She chuckle and Jake shakes his head and laughs.

"Yeah... I guess we didn't"


Isabel walked down the side walk. She had one thing on her that she needed to do.

She had a bouncy ball in her hand and bounced it every now and then while walking.

As she was walking to her destination she saw a little girl sitting on the grass making a daisy chain. She smiled and made her way over to her. Isabel has seen the girl around before, she would always be on her own though. Her mom and Issy's mom would talk if they were to pass each other in the streets.

The girl had long blonde almost white hair that was styled half up half down. The girl had a white dress on a sun flowers on and pink daps.

Once Issy made her way over to her the little girl looked up at Isabel.

"Hey there" Issy says and sits next to her.

"Hi" the little girl waves.

"What's your name?"

"Livy. What's yours?"

"Isabel. How old are you?"

"Eight, you?"

"Seventeen" she sighs. "Here." Isabel hands her the red bouncy ball. "Have this"

"Thank you Isabel" the girl smiles.

"No problem Livy"

Isabel stands up and brushes The imaginary dust off of her jeans.

"Bye Livy"

"Goodbye Isabel"


Isabel made her destination. She looked up at the house and smiled.

She made her way up to the door and lightly knocked. The door flung open and was met with brown chocolate eyes.

Issy smirked and crashed her lips into his. After a while she pulled away and breathed out.

"Damn that felt good" Isabel laughs. Meanwhile Kairi stood there confused, surprised and happy. Many emotions flowing through his head.

"W-What about Jake?"

"Oh we broke up. It wasn't working out, as you've seen"

Kairi laughs and shakes his head before placing his lips back on hers.

Once they pulled away they both let out a breath.

"I love you" Issy says.

"I love you too"

[To be continued]

I have no clue what to say right now.


Stay safe

Black lives matter ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

Love you all 💜

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