Chapter 14: A New Monster King?

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When the others got back from work, they found us asleep on the couch together. After a bit of teasing, Kanna went and made dinner. When we had all eaten our fill, we went to bed. After many assurances, Ami convinced Kanna that she didn't need to stay up and watch me because she knew I wouldn't hurt her. As we lay in bed, I thought about what Ami told me for the millionth time. When she had fallen asleep, I decided to get some answers.

Aoni! Are you there?

Yes... Master.

Stop with the subservient act! Who do you really work for?

What... are... you... talking... about?

You know what I mean! Who summoned Ami to this world and why? What are you really after?

If... you... want... to... know... come... back... to... the... castle.

You know I can't do that! Why don't you just tell me now?


Answer me, Aoni. If I'm really your master, you will do as I say.

You... will... find... out... soon... enough... Master... He... is... already... heading... your... way.

Who? Who are you talking about? Answer me, Aoni!

It seemed our connection was cut off so I gave up and tried to go to sleep. However, I couldn't. Too many questions raced through my head.

Who was Aoni talking about? Am I really his master? Who's coming?

Finally, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to people screaming outside. When I looked out the window, I saw people running from monsters. I quickly ran downstairs to find Ami and the others getting their weapons ready.

"What's happening? Why are there so many monsters here?" I asked, panicking.

"This is all your fault! You probably called these monsters here last night," Kufu shouted, his face red with anger.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do this."

"Like I'll believe anything you say. I knew it was a bad idea letting you live."

"That's enough, Kufu! We don't have time for this," Kanna shouted before turning to me. "We'll settle this once we defeat all the monsters. You better be telling the truth or you're dead, you hear?"

"I'm going to help," I said seriously.

"Hideyoshi, you can't. You have to keep your handcuffs on so how are you going to fight?" Ami asked, extremely concerned.

"Who says I need hands to fight?"

Before anyone could ask what I meant, I walked outside. The streets were utter chaos. Blood and bodies were everywhere. People were running and screaming as hungry monsters chased them. I ignored it all and closed my eyes. Quickly, I imagined all of the monsters I had recruited before. When I opened my eyes, they were in front of me, waiting for instructions.

"See! I told you this was his doing. He's summoning more monsters," Kufu shouted from inside the doorway.

I ignored him and turned to my monsters.

"I want you to kill all the monsters that are attacking the villagers. Do not harm any people. If you do, I will make sure you never hurt anyone again. Understood?"

They grunted in understanding and left to follow their orders. Everyone watched in amazement as my monsters killed the other monsters. Soon, only my monsters remained.

"How dare you kill off all my minions?" a voice shouted from a rooftop.

I turned to see a man in green staring down at me, furious. Next to him stood a demon puppy with green eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked, also angry.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Since I was granted this amazing power, I shall take over this world and rule it with an iron fist. I am unstoppable now," the man laughed maniacally.

Before I could respond, the man suddenly stopped laughing. He stood there for a moment, staring at the puppy. Finally, he spoke.

"I must go. I have more important matters to attend to. Farewell, Hideyoshi-kun!" the man exclaimed before disappearing.

I stood there for a moment, my mind reeling. Who is he? Is he Aoni's true master? Who was the green-eyed puppy? How did he know my name?

"Hideyoshi, are you ok?" Ami asked, running to my side.

"Yeah... Do you know who that was?"

"His voice sounded familiar, but I can't place it. I hope he-"

We were soon surrounded by villagers, making Ami cut her sentence short.

"You saved us," one villager said gratefully.

"You're our hero," another announced in awe.

"Monster King, Hideyoshi Tsuyoi! I would like to have a word with you," the mayor called from the crowd.

"What do you need?"

"Follow me," was all he said before walking off.

After making my way through the crowd, I ran to catch up with him. Ami followed close behind.

"From my understanding, you were the one who saved the village by calling your monsters here, correct?"

"Yes, sir. That is correct."

The mayor stopped walking and turned to face me. He studied me for a moment before speaking.

"I take it that the Man in Green was behind the invasion. Do you know him?"

"No, sir. I've never seen him before. I have no idea what's going on. All I want to do is stop him from killing more people. His mind must be in a dark place like mine was. I want to save him!"

"Hmm... Very well. Since you saved this village, I will release you from your probation. However, if you or your monsters harm anybody, you will be executed immediately. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. I understand. I will do my best to save this world from the Man in Green."

The mayor nodded before walking off. Ami quickly freed me from my handcuffs as he walked away. It felt good to have those things off my wrists.

"Ami! What was that all about?" Kanna shouted as she ran toward us.

Sei and Kufu followed. Soon, they were standing in front of us.

"Since Hideyoshi saved the village, the mayor set him free. Isn't that great?" Ami exclaimed, nearly jumping up and down with excitement.

Kanna smiled at her warmly before embracing her.

"I'm so happy for you, girl," she whispered.

"Uh... H-Hideyoshi?" Kufu mumbled, looking at the ground.

"What's wrong, Kufu?"

"I... I'm sorry for doubting you earlier."

"Don't worry about it. If I was in your shoes, I probably would have done the same thing."

Kufu looked up at me in surprise.

"You're not mad?"

"No. We have more important things to deal with. We have to stop the Man in Green before he kills more people," I said seriously, looking at everyone.

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