Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover: Pertemis

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AN: This is for the Capture the Flag forum. This is a Pertemis one shot. Actually, I'm not sure what is the ship them for this.

What do you call Percy/Diana ship? I mean Diana and Artemis are technically the same people.

"Admit it. You are lost aren't you," Artemis, scratch that, Diana said to Percy. Percy didn't say anything, just continuing studying the map in his hands.

"According to the map, we need to go North. Which is that way," Percy said, pointing to the south. Diana rolled her eyes and adjusted his hand so now he was pointing at the North.

"Firstly," Diana started. "The map is upside down. Secondly, just admit it that you are lost."

Percy quickly turns the map the right way. "This makes way more sense."

"Okay, now that the map is the right way, admit it that you are lost," Diana said again. Percy rolled his sea-green eyes in annoyance and wondered out loud.

"Remind me why I am stuck with you again Arty?"

Diana's form flicker for a second changing into a nicer goddess before settling down as a stern goddess. "Is Diana actually."

"Ohhhh," Percy exclaimed. "No wonder you are no fun. Now, why am I stuck with Diana and not Artemis?"

"Because you love both of us," Diana said matter of factly before telling Percy with a triumphant smile on her face. "Plus, you can't come up with a nickname for me fishbreath."

"You're annoying," Percy mutters under his breath.

"What was that?" Diana asked.

"Nothing," Percy said. "I didn't say a thing."

"Uh-huh," Diana said, crossing her arms.

"Really," Percy protested.


"I actually didn't say a thing," Percy tried again.


"Don't 'uh-huh' me," Percy whined.

"Uh-huh," Diana said one last time before walking away.

See how annoying she is? Percy heard Apollo said in his head. That sun god, never giving anyone privacy, Percy thought.

Uh-huh, Percy replied back before walking after Arte- Diana.

========== Line Break ==========

"Finally asking for help?" Diana asked as they set up camp for today. Percy's burnt orange camp half-blood shirt looked pretty dirty from the whole day of walking.

"Nope," Percy replied."I got this."

"You sure?" Diana asked. From what Diana could tell, they have been walking in circles for a few days now. She is getting pretty kind of worried. If Percy doesn't ask for help soon, they will forever be trapped in this forest.

"Yep," Percy said, popping the p.

"You do know you will need to ask for help sooner or later right?" Artemis questioned, raising an eyebrow. "From what I could tell, we are walking in circles!"

"Really? I never notice," Percy thought out loud. "Maybe I do need some help."

"So are you asking for help?" Diana asked. Percy quickly shook his head. "But you are going so slow though."

"Yay," Percy agreed. "At this rate we are going, we will both die before we reach New York."

Diana glared at him before walking over to where he is. Percy wasn't expecting a slap to land on his cheek.

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