(7) Shock

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A month and half later

"Oh my god..what the fuck is wrong with me?" Frankie whispered to herself.

She had been puking every morning for the last three days. As she started to get ready for work she checked the date on her phone.

"No trips this week. But it is the week of Mr Barnes birth..day. Oh my god I'm late. But he used a condom I watched him put it on." she said as she quickly threw on her clothes.

As she was waiting for her Uber she called a ob that luckily had a opening during her lunch. Her Uber driver showed up and got her to work with 5 minutes to spare.

Bucky watched her from his desk run back and forth between the bathroom and her desk for about an hour. He finally came out of his office.

"If you have the flu I highly suggest you go home." He said

"I don't have the flu. I um I ate some bad sushi last night." She said

"You better not be spreading germs." He said as he went back inside.

When she went on her lunch she popped her head in.  "Hey I may be late I have an appointment." She said

"Whatever just make sure you have a excuse." He said

"Yeah." She said

Ever since their talk they have tried to get along better. But some days she pisses him off and other days she is pissed at him. She grabbed a taco on her way to the office.

The nurse made her pee in a cup after they called her back. Dr Katherine Hollis came into the exam after she waited ten minutes.

"Ms Morris. I'm Dr Hollis so we ran a pee stick it came back positive. So we are going to do a ultrasound. So lie back for me." Dr Hollis said

Frankie laid back and scooted down. Dr Hollis got everything set up. She squeezed the gel on her stomach and began to use the wand to move it around.

"Ok Ms Morris. We are looking at 7 weeks. Which means you are due in October." Dr Hollis said

Tears rolled from her eyes.

"Great Frankie now everyone is going to know that you slept with James. The condom must of broke..which I mean we had sex for like an hour it doesn't surprise me."

Frankie thought to herself. Once her appointment was over she went back to the office. She laid her excuse down on his desk not even thinking that it clearly states she went to see a gyno.

He read it then he said. "You know you could of just asked me.." he said as he sat back in his chair

"Ask you what?" She said as she stopped and turned around.

"If I was clean. You didn't have to go waste money on a co pay." He said

"Oh no..that's not what that was about." She said

"BC appointment?" He said

"No..it was not for that." She said as she went to walk again.

"You are a terrible liar. Tell me what the appointment was for." He said as she reached the door.

Bucky started to put the pieces together. She was sick this morning he started to do math in his head.

"Francesca better start talking. Cause right now from where I'm standing it looks like you are trying to hide." He said

She bit her lip. "I'm pregnant.." she said as she pulled out the ultrasound.

"No..I used a condom. Are you not on birth control?" He said

"I'm allergic to it." She said

"Francesca seriously! This can't be happening!" He said

She looked down. "Don't worry James. I don't need you to help me." She said as she wiped a tear and walked out.

She started towards the elevator as she got on she leaned against the elevator wall. She began to cry Bucky stood there in shock as he pressed his forehead against his cold window.

Right now was not the time for added stress. He had four different deals in the work a legal lawsuit from where another company wanted to terminate their relationship. Now this was the last thing he needed.

Steve and Sam came into the office. "What did you do Buck? Julie said that Francesca left in complete tears." Sam said

Bucky stood there not moving just staring blankly.

"Buck?" Steve said as he got closer.

Bucky began to hyperventilate he had been running everything through his head. Steve walked over to him.

"Buck hey it's okay. Just relax and calm yourself." Steve said

Sam stepped out into the hall to call James.

"Sam? What are you doing calling me?" He said

"We need you to come to the office. It's Bucky he's hyperventilating. We came into his office he was staring blankly out his window then he just started to panic." Sam said

"Okay Sam I will be right there." James said

James called the EMTs to have a ambulance come with him. They managed to get him on the stretcher and out into the back of the ambulance without others knowing. When they arrived at the hospital they had a oxygen mask on him and he was hooked up to the EKG machine.

They monitored him over night after giving him a sedative. The next morning he woke up to see James sleeping beside him.

"Dad?" He whispered

"Son..what happened?" James said

"I have so much going on at work. I've got four different deals and legal lawsuit. Then..Francesca showed up today and dropped a bombshell on me. She's pregnant..with my baby." He said

"James.." James said

"I used a condom. I didn't want this." He said

"Son..maybe this is God's way of saying you need to slow down and finally let go of the past." James said

Bucky looked away. "Dad.." he whispered

James looked down then left him. When Frankie showed up to work she was met by Sam.

"He said to tell you that you have the day off." Sam said

"Oh.." she said

"He isn't here either Francesca. He is at the hospital he had a major anxiety attack." Sam said

"Oh that sucks." She said then started to go back the way she came.

Bucky was watching tv a few hours later when he heard a knock at the door. When he looked to his door. He saw Frankie at the door.

"Hi." She said as she came in.

"Hey.." he said

"Sam told me. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And to say I'm sorry for sending you to go into panic mode." She said

Bucky closed his eyes and shook his head.

"It wasn't just you. Everything else that is going around at the office." He said

"Well I'm sorry for my part. That's all I wanted to say. I had to meet with my advisor so I'm headed home now." She said

"We need to talk. I need to know what your plan is?" He said

"I don't know. But you need to rest and we will talk later." She said as she stood up.

"Frankie thank you for coming by." He said

"Welcome." She said then she walked out.

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