Chapter 1 - You Make Me Feel Alive

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A/N :So, imma make a new story. It has vampires in it. Hot. I'm probably gonna go all Twilight on it. But no werewolves, even though Jacob is hot, and I wanna eat him. (>^.^)>

And since I love the bromance of Zayn+Niall and of Harry+Louis from One Direction, imma make a book, cause I think it is cute!

I'm even listening to songs from Twilight to help me write this. I'm listening to a song write now.



Niall's POV


It's all I felt as my dad hit me again with his belt. Another strike, and another. When will this stop? Oh wait, never. My life has turned into a living hell ever since my mum died 2 years ago. Don't think I'm gonna go into fucking details, all I'm gonna say is that she died of a heart attack. Ever since mum's death, he changed so fricking drastically that he's an alcoholic now.

My eyes widen at the sight of my dad throwing the belt on the other side of my room. I see him get off my bed and grab my iPhone charger cable. Fuck.

"You worthless little piece of shit!" He yells.

Tears start to stream down my cheeks. The pain is agonizing. I'm used to the belt, but with the cable, it's way worse. He hits more harder at each strike. I start to feel a warm substance fall out of my nose and the parts of skin he hits. Blood.

"Don't even come out of this fucking room for the rest of the day, you fucking little cunt!" He stands up, spits on me, walks out, and slams the door. Tears are literally running down my cheeks and when I make sure he's gone I start sobbing quietly. After about five minutes of being in the fetal position, sobbing, I stand up slowly and sorta wobble to my bathroom.

I decide to spare a glance at myself in the mirror and I completely look like shit. There are blue, red, and purple bruises on my very pale skin. I see blood all around my left arm and coming out of my nose.

I get the disinfectant wipes and start wiping my opened skin. I whimper once I feel the wipe touch my cut flesh making it sting. Once I'm done, I undress myself and decide to take a shower. I turn on the knob to the left, step in, and start feeling the cold water run down my hair and onto my skin.

Once I'm done, I get out and wrap a towel around my waist. But then my eyes caught my reflection in the mirror.

"Why am I so ugly?" I thought to myself.

I have pale skin. My weird accent. Ugly blue eyes. I have braces for God's sake! I'm a natural brunette, but I dyed my hair. It's blonde on the top, and brown from the middle down and I always have it in a little quiff. But even when I try to look good, dress nicely, I still hate everything about myself.

I escape from my depressive self-esteem thoughts and get out of the bathroom, put on boxers and just dress into my dark red plaid pajama bottoms. Once I get a little comfy, I grab my book, lay flat on my bed and start reading. God, how I love the Hunger Games.

I was about 8 pages in when I heard my phone beep. I grab my phone and see it's a message from my best friend, Louis.

'waz up nialler!' The message read.

'Reading, wbu?' I texted back.

'aww u suck.' He wrote.

'No, you suck.'

'sooooo how was ur day hoe??' Louis asked.

You Make Me Feel Alive [Ziall&Larry]Where stories live. Discover now