34: Stand your ground

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"Hey, baby girl, just checking in." My dad says, opening my door and I close my laptop, then turning to him. "Any word from Columbia?" He asks.

"Uh, no. No, I think they really enjoy torturing us for the very last second." I scoff.

"Yeah, I'm sure it can feel that way. You got this, honey!" He says. "And I was gonna wait to give this to you later, but...I think you need it now." He says and holds up a Columbia sweatshirt.

"Dad!" I awkwardly chuckle. "Thank you." I say as I get up from my seat and hug him.

"I'll see you tonight." My dad grins as he hands me the sweatshirt.

"See you." I nod back as he leaves my room and I look at the sweatshirt in front of the mirror.


"Stephanie." A voice says and I look up from my notebook.

"Diego." I say. "What do you want?" I ask as he puts his bag down and takes a seat across from me.

"Luke saw you with Foley last night." He says and I chuckle.

"So what?" I say. "Not that it's any of your business, we hang out a little. We're friends." I tell him.

"Jessica's been blowing me off." Diego says.

"Well, Justin's mom fucking died last week. Excuse us for all wanting to be there for him." I state.

"Shit. I, um...I...I didn't know." He says, his face now softening.

"Well now you do." I nod. "And Jess is just trying to be supportive."

"And that's it? Jess and Justin are just friends? I know they used to date." He says.

"Big fucking deal. So what if they used to?" I sigh at him.

"You know, Winston thinks Jessica's been playing me all along. Like maybe we're getting too close to the truth about Bryce. Do you know that?" Diego asks me and I scoff.

"That's insane. Jessica follows you around like a lost puppy. Maybe you should talk to her about it. Not me. We're not even that close anymore." I shrug at him.

"Is that the reason she's been with me? And you've just been protecting Foley all along." Diego says.

"He's a friend of Jess and I. He didn't do anything. I promise you that." I say, looking him in the eyes.

"He's a fucking junkie, Stephanie!" Diego snaps. "A black hole. I don't wanna see Jessica get sucked down with him. Or you." He tells me.

"Thanks for the concern, but I can take care of myself." I tell him with squinted eyes.

"I believe that. Trust me." Diego nods and I grimace, nodding at him as I grab my bag and walk off.


"Things are only getting worse." Estela says. "They're putting cameras in the locker rooms. That's gotta he violating some law, right?" She asks as she passes paper all around.

"Then they'll change the laws." Ani says. "It's a fucking police state."

"Steph, can't you talk to Bolan?" Delilah says to me.

"You guys, I haven't been totally honest with you." I start. "At the beginning of the semester, Bolan asked me to give him my input on the security measures...and to give him updates on how people were reacting to everything." I admit.

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