A day before Carlos serious procedure he lays down worrying if he is going to survive.
Zoey:Carlos are you okay you haven't spoken since yesterday
Carlos:*mumbles*I don't want to die I want to fulfill my future with you and Junior
Zoey:Come on Carlos don't worry you're a strong man and you can handle it
Carlos:*mumbles* I guess you are right
Zoey:*kisses Carlos* I love you
Carlos:*mumbles* I love you too
Zoey:Come on let me see that smile
Carlos:*being stubborn* No
Zoey:Okay then no attention for you
Carlos:*sits up and cross arm* Whatever I don't care
Zoey:*annoyed* Don't talk to me
Carlos:*goes on phone and listen to music*
45 minutes the show ends and Zoey felt something heavy on her lap and see Carlos head sleeping peacefully.
Zoey:"I can't be mad at him he is just pissed from everything and he so hot when he mad"
Carlos:*is knock out* zzzzzz
Zoey:*plays with Carlos hair* You're so cute
Carlos:*turns over facing Zoey stomach* zzzzz
Zoey:*kisses Carlos* You're my baby *rubs Carlos cheek*
Zoey places Carlos on the pillow and prepares for tomorrow.
Carlos slowly wakes up and groans in pain while holding his chest.
Zoey:*turns around* What happened Carlos ?
Carlos:I-I*passes out*
Zoey:CARLOS ! *rushes to him and calls 911*
The ambulance comes and picks up Carlos and the doctors do the procedures immediately.
Zoey and Junior waits nervously and cries worrying Carlos won't make it.
Doctor:Mrs.Martinez I am proud to tell you that your husband has survived the surgery
Zoey and Junior:Really ?
They go to Carlos room and see he is on a machine and oxygen mask
Doctor:He'll have to use these equipment to heal and he'll feel sleepy and drugged from the pain killers and medications
They go home and prepare themselves for the healing process.
To be continued.

The Unusual Lovers
RomanceThis a story about a girl named Zoey who has a best friend named Carlos that has a secret hiding from Zoey of being a werewolf and soon became lovers.(Also 21+)