Are we ever alone?...

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Anxiety's POV:

I lay in the dark abyss of my bedroom, under the covers with music blaring in my ears trying to block out Remus screaming and Janus yelling at him to stop screaming...Janus is such a hypocrite...I think as I start getting into my music I hear a strange noise...I hear my door crack open, I open my eyes and take my earbuds out and pop my head out from under the covers and I see two human like figures in my doorway,
"I'm just saying Janus!! Stabbing my brother in the back of the neck would be HILARIOUSLY FUNNY!!!"
I see one figure jump up and down and pulling on the others sleeve and the other figure is making a hissing sound,
"Please don't let go of my sleeve"
After they argue for a few more minutes I start to get sick of it, I double the impact of my voice and shut them the hell up,
"Would the two of you IDIOTS SHUT THE FUCK UP?!"
I put myself back under the sheets and burry my head in my pillows, a few silent minutes go by then I feel someone sit at the end of my bed and the door get closed by someone else,
"I apologize Virgil"
It was a familiar was a soft and calming, I smirk and look out of my warm thick blanket,
"It's okay Janus.."
He stood up and left the room after patting my leg...I was alone...once again...l fell asleep with my music all the way up not thinking a second thought of anything beside the mcr in my ears...

A few weeks later Virgil is called in for another stupid video, it's still anxiety's POV!!

I was redoing my eyeliner because I was supposed to go out with remy today, "he was the only light side I was allowed to hang out with" as Janus and Remus put it...they had no idea that I was "hanging out" with the light sides! And I was planning on keeping it like that for as long as possible...
I was almost finished when I was suddenly in a bright Living room and a cold voice yelling my name, there were three familiar faces,
One bright figure was standing in front of the blinds,
The other not so bright figure was standing next to the staircase and the other figure was standing in the middle of the living room...I knew where I was...
"Um...rude much..I was just touching my eyeshadow.."
I look at the side next to me who represents logic, he was in a strange outfit..not in the one he usually wears, as I'm in the middle of my thought the logical one chimes in,
"You actually look in a mirror when you put that on?"
He's as cold as ever...he always acts like he can't have emotions or anything of the sort, it's all fake..he doesn't want to be a joke...I completely understand,
"Did you actually look in a mirror when you put that on?.."
"Ow.." the logical one said in a hurt tone
he seems kinda mad about that...I messed everything up..
"Geez.." Thomas added
"Now can I help you?" I ask then I heard a cheerful voice fill the air, it was morality, basically the heart of the group if you're that dumb to not understand what morality is,
"Yeah! Do you have any quarters?"
His smile is the warmest and brightest thing you will every witness...I hate it...logic chimes in again,
"I have grounds to suspect that you are the cause of Thomas's procrastination"
Out of the blue I hear a distant chuckle,
it was Thomas...why am I not surprised...he probably hates me more then princy, I finally add in
"Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but what are these grounds?..."
I mean I don't blame Thomas for laughing, logic wouldn't be wrong either, I usually am the reason for most of Thomas's "procrastination", logic looks at me with a intense glare before he starts his next sentence,
"Thomas has related to me that he is ANXIOUS!"  Logic says in a out of character tone for him and points at me, all I can do at that moment is blink a few times, and he continues,
"About how his video will turn out, so rather then start it, he is avoiding it! It's you Anxiety, isn't it? You are the one causing him to worry about those things!"
...I was kinda shocked that he figured that out in a matter of seconds..even though I'm not the cause of this...I guess that's logic for ya, working his way through the problem, starting with the most obvious choice then working towards the more deep and less obvious choices, or culprits in this case,
"Avoiding things is my specialty...." I say  in a gloomy voice then continue,
"I'm the one who earned him his Temple Run record of 2012" I say with a wink towards Thomas then Morality chimes in with a soft tone and a warm smile,
"Ah, memories.."
He is too sweet for his own good..
"Can't be a bad video if you never make one." I say as I look at the camera filming me.

A few minutes go by and Logic had something to say after Thomas was still procrastinating,
"Thomas, are you implying that LOGIC
was not sound?!" He uses his hand to draws imaginary circles around his face and chest area multiple times then he continues,
"Anxiety's is the antagonist."
I'm not gonna lie...that actually kinda hurt..
"I'm not always the bad guy..."
Then I hear morality in the corner of the room with a soft caring tone,
"Aw....Of course your not, big guy!"
At that point in time I was not in the mood to deal with someone like morality

A few more minutes go by and Logic asked a question that I sadly had the answer too, Logic starts,
"What do you need to do a video?"
Morality chimes in,
"A camera!!"
"Correct, but think more generally. What starts you down the path of any big job?"
Morality try's again,
"A big job application!"
Logic looked very annoyed,
"Why do I even try?!"
I thought it was about time to stop this before logic lost his mind,
"Can I take a stabe?"
Logic freaked the fuck out!
I was a bit taken a back so put my hands up so he could see them clearly,
"An idea"
"He needs a idea"
Logic took a breath
"Oh. Yeah." He said, trying to play off that he didn't just freak out a few seconds ago, Thomas looked puzzled, I continue,
"And in order to do that, he needs to be creative. you're looking for his fanciful side."
I hear a whoosh and a feeling of warm air go past me, I look to my right and see none other then the prince himself...god I hate him, he said in a manly tone,
"You called?~"
I can't fuckin stand him..
"No I did not." I say in the most annoyed tone.

The video ends and right after I headed to Starbucks with remy

Hey guys gals and none-binary pals!!! This is the end of chapter 1️⃣!!! WHOooOoOooO!!! Right after this I'm working on chapter 2️⃣

Love all of you babies!!!!! Byeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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