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(they dance all night long and went home )
//20 years later //
Josh and Alyssa got married and had twins named Kenji and keneth
Nathan and Jamie got married
Lacy and Ethan got married
Jake and Alie got married
Piper was in the hospital for 4 months cause she had stage 4 cancer
//Flash back//
May 30
Doctor:I'm so sorry but your illness can't be cured anymore
Lev:pls tell me you have a second choice pls . I can't lose piper
Piper:I can't lose Lev pls
Doctor:I'm sorry but I can't we cant do any thing else (the doctor walks away and piper in the bed)
Lev:I'm so sorry pumpkin (holds her hand)
Piper:no it's ok bubba . It's time for me to go
Lev:no we have to grow old together
Piper:yeah we did that it happened were 50 years old we did our promise
Lev:I can't lose you pipes your the only thing I have in my life (cry's )
Piper:shhhh it's ok it's ok (wipes his tears )
Lev:pipes pls don't leave me
Piper:I have to we can't do any thing else I need to go
Lev:no I can ask doctors form a diferent country
Piper :no babe it's fine I've done my part I've done my thing as your wife and as a mother to our children
Alyssa:mom don't say that
Nathan:mom your not gonna die
piper:shhhhh kids don't
Alyssa:but mom we can't let you die
Piper:I've done my part . I can die already I've lived enough
Lev:babe no don't say that
Piper:Lev promise me to take care of the kids
Lev:no your not gonna die
Piper:I left letters for you , the kids , my parents and siblings , and for the squad ok (careses levs cheek)
Lev:no babe you not gonna die
Piper:can I have one last squad group hug
Squad:OFC(they did there last group hug with piper )
Piper:Lev can you do something
Piper:can I have my last kiss
Lev:(kisses piper and piper kisses back then she passed away )
Lev:babe wake up (shakes her ) KIDS CALL THE DOCTOR
(They call the doctor but it was to late )
//They went back home and saw 3 letters 1 for Lev be the kids ,1 for Piper's family and siblings , and 1 for the squad//
(Lev called the squad to come to there room)
Lev:guys piper left us a letter
Squad:let us see (they open the letter)
//The letter //
Dear, squad

Hey guys . You might read this I'm already gone . When I knew I had cancer I knew I was gonna die so I made you guys a letter , Sophie thank you for being the best best friend a girl can ask for pls take care of the squad I love you soph I'm gonna miss you
Sophie:im gonna miss you to pipes I love you thank you for every thing . . Jentzen thank you for being there for Sophie when she was in a really bad place ,thank you for acting like a brother to me when my brothers was away
Jentzen:at thank you for being the best sister in the squad . I'm gonna miss you pipes
. Jenna thank you for taking good care of me like I'm a kid , thank you for being the best squad mom in the world I love you.
Jenna:I love you to pipes
Nick pls take care of my squad mom I know she's in good hands and take care of the mansion ok ? , And tell uncle Jin and the members thank you for every thing I'll never forget them in after life and thank you for the most memorable 19th birthday .
Nick:you deserved it pipes
Walker I know your my ex but thank you for letting me go and for making me happier with Lev, thank you for being the best big bro in the squad take good care of Indi for me ok .
Walker:I will pipes I will
Indi thank you cause you've been there for me
Hayden thank you for being my little bro thank you for every thing take care of Miriam for me ok
Hayden:I'll take care of her I promise
Ayden,symmone,Conner,Emily,and Sawyer . Thank you for every thing Sawyer thank you for being the squads wing man, symmone thank you for making my wedding the best , Ayden thank you for always making me smile , Emily thank you for being my sister in the squad ily ,Conner thank you for every thing . And lastly Lev *sigh* sh*t I'm crying uhhhhhhh ok Lev thank you for being there fore thank you for protecting me thank you for every thing I don't know what will happen to me if your not here pls take care of our kids I love you bubba your my one and only I'm sorry we didn't grow old together like we wanted but it's for the best atlest I'm still watching you guys form above here I love you so much thank you for every thing thank you for making me feel loved f*CK I'm crying so hard well I guess this is good bye I love you lev I'll miss you I'm gonna miss cuddling with you . I gonna miss your soft lips on mine but it's for the best I won't feel pain anymore and you won't have to pay for more hospital bills . Squad I love you guys so much thank you for being my second family thank you for every thing thank you for the fun,sad,stressful memories I will always keep them in my heart I love you guys I'm sorry I was the first to say good bye but it's not you guys it's me I'm the one Whit the problem and I'm so sorry . I love you guys until I see you again and I WANT YOU GUYS TO BE HAPPIER . I LOVE YOU 💜


Lev:we love you too pipes (they did a group hug)
Conner:atlest she doesn't feel pain any more
Squad:yeah I want you her to be happier
Sophie:I'm gonna miss piper it's not gonna be the same
Jenna:yeah *snif *
Piper's last pov
I'm so sorry guys I made you cry I love you all. Lev take good care of the kids for me .
End of pov
Lev:good bye pipes I love you and thank you for making me the happiest man on earth thank you for loving I love you with all my heart I can't wait until I see you again . I want you to be happier.
(They cry and did a lot of group hugs )


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