Author's Note

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At my job, the two people on my shift are huge Harry Potter fans. Last week, when we were on break, they asked me to take some online personality tests to determine my "house" or to discover what character that I am most like. We all took these tests, four for house and four for character. Their guesses were correct. Three out of four times I would have been put in a house with a group called the Slither Boys or something, and three out of four times I got associated with some guy called Voldemort. To be fair, I do not know how accurate these profiling tests are in accordance with the American Psychiatric Standards or whether this is part of the testing for the DMS-5. Buzzfeed does not reveal the medical backgrounds of the creators of their exams.

As I often offer amazing insights into music, television, or movies, my co-workers were desperate for my views so they could gain a greater appreciation for the novels they already love. They decided to create book club where we would read a certain number of chapters and give our reviews. This tale is going to be a chronicle on my observations of The Sorcerer's Stone and of the how the book club meeting will go.

 I'm sure both will turn out great.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: First ImpressionsWhere stories live. Discover now