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(Newspaper clipping)

Missing Person Reports
Reporter: Witness doesn't wish to be identified.
Date: Sep. 12th, 1798

Name: Maria Renard
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Desc: French Caucasian descent, long blonde hair with long bangs in front, emerald green eyes, svelte figure
Last seen wearing: Dark Green evening dress with white lining, wrist-length dark umber leather gloves, white stockings, gold shoes with iron buckles
Last seen: July 5, 1798, early evening, near the main square of Targoviste
If seen, please contact the search parties.

(Newspaper clipping)

Prostitute Survives Attempted Murder and Sexual Assault: Vampirism Strikes Again After Peaceful Reign?
Reporter: Cyril Michalis
Date: Sep. 13th, 1798

During the late day hours, Miss Angela Gustav was preparing her evening rounds until a twenty-five-year-old man started following her back to her home/job. At first, the male was hidden under a cloak in which she wasn't able to identify. The male acted politely and escorted her home. Yet, she didn't expect to be brought to a back alley nearby. The man revealed his face, leaving her quite startled. She was able to recognize the face from the early June murders as the suspect.
Attempting to divert her to submission, the suspect began sexually assaulting her. But, she fought back and left the suspect with trauma to the head.
"I ran away from him the moment he released me from his grasp., " quoted a frightened Miss Gustav, "I went towards his home to see about the incident."
Richter Belmont, known as a proclaimed vampire hunter, went to investigate the scene left behind.
"The suspect was identified as the living dead... No grave will be unturned and I'll be hiring a few men to volunteer me.," quoth the stern proclaimed hunter.

(Newspaper clipping)

Advertisement: Men with Brave Hearts Wanted
Reporter: Richter Belmont
Date: Sep. 14th, 1798

Men of Targoviste! Men of young and old! The dead have come back with a vengeance and will not surrender without a fight! Too many innocent lives have been slaughtered by these vicious creatures of the night! I need you to stand by my side! I need you to have the nerves of steel when cutting them down! Protect your wives and children for these beings will not grant them mercy! Will we allow these beasts to murder your young sons and daughters? Will we allow these monsters to slaughter your wives? No! Never! Never in a hundred years or for all eternity!

If you see them, cut them down immediately! If not cut down immediately, burn them with holy flames! These creatures will do anything to harm you as well. Arm yourself with the might of God for they fear Him! The time for action is now! Join me and you'll be known as heroes of our home! You'll be paid well for your services. It is time to stand up and fight! It is time to let these beasts know that God created the Earth for us and not them! Evil doesn't deserve to walk amongst us! Join me and your heavenly vices will be known to God! God will recognize you as His angels reincarnated as humans. Heaven will smile down upon you all and the world will sleep safely for the end of days.

Sep. 14th, 1798

Bored as usual. The man known as Richter has been taking care of me lately. He still owes me my legs. Every time they heal, he keeps on using a silver knife against me. I scream and beg for him to not do it. He refuses and I believe he keeps on laughing at my pain. How come he's keeping his sanity under control? What makes him think he can hurt me? And here I am again, stuck inside a large animal sized cage and lying on the ground.
Oh! I almost forgot! Earlier this morning, he bathed me and continued to address the beauty I had. Truth be told, he seems as if I'm captivated by his beauty. Not even a chance! I look horrible thanks to him! My skin is lighter and my hair is matted. I'm losing vitality each day when he feeds me nothing but scraps. I've been stuck inside the basement for the last few months. I've been begging for God to give me a savior, or even Alucard, to come and rescue me. Or even better, I wished this was nothing but a nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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