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Friday May 14th

Namjoon had just gotten home from picking up one of his little brothers, Taehyung.

Jungkook, his 4 year old son, ran to him and hugged his legs tightly with a frustrated Seokjin on his trail.

"Kim Jungkook stop running!" He sighed and picked up the boy.

"Unca Tae Tae! Dada where unca Chimmy?" He asked, reaching for Taehyung who gave him a boxy smile.

"I'm not sure bub, I'm sure he's with Yoongi " He said.

Namjoon often let Jimin stay with Yoongi for a bit before picking him up if he was staying over, so if he wasn't home it wasn't a big worry.

Yoongi is Jimins boyfriend. He practically became apart of the family and was close friends with them all.

Namjoons phone began to loudly ring.

He quickly took out his phone, kissed Jungkooks forehead and went into a seperate room to answer the phone.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was dragging Taehyung up to his room.

"Lookie lookie! Kookie has big boy bed like unca Tae Tae!" Yelled Jungkook excitedly.

Taehyung was 10 but to Jungkook he was his playmate.

"Wow Kookie! You do have a big boy bed like me!" Said Taehyung as he played along with his nephew.

"Why unca Chimmy no come?" Asked Jungkook and he laid on his bed.

"I'm not sure, I think your Dada is right. He's probably with Yoongi " Said Taehyung, wondering himself where his hyung was.

"But why Yoonie not come too?" The youngers doe eyes stared up at Taehyung.

"I don't know Kookie, but I'm sure Chimmy will be here soon. How about you pick a game and we will play okay? " Suggested Taehyung.

Jungkook nodded and began to think of what he wanted to play.

There was a small knock at Jungkooks door.

It was Namjoon, he was off the phone already.

"Hey Tae can I talk to you for a minute please?" He said as he motioned him to follow.

Taehyung nodded and followed his hyung.

"Okay, I just got a call from Yoongi and Jimin isn't with him and he's not answering his phone. When was the last time you heard from Jimin?" He asked with panic evident in his voice.

"I saw him yesterday but I thought he went home with Yoongi." He replied.

"Okay, let's not panic. Maybe his phone is dead and he went somewhere. Don't let Kook know okay? I think it's best that he doesn't for now. " Said Namjoon as he pulled his youngest brother in for a hug.

Taehyung let out a choked sob. No matter how many times they fought or had times they wanted to kill the other person.

Jimin was still his best friend.

Namjoon knew that it was hard at his old house since he saw tiny bruises on his baby brother when he stayed at his house.

Jimin never wanted to talk about home when he was over.

He just wanted to have fun with his brother.

They talked on the phone most nights to keep in touch, it was rare that he didn't get a call or text from Jimin.


Saturday, May 15th

It had been hours since Jimin didn't answered.

It wasn't normal.

Jimin always answered his phone, even if it was true. Jimin would asked someone about using a phone.

He never wanted anyone to worry about him.

"Name, age and relationship to park Jimin" The investigator commanded as he shined the light in the young boys face.

He squinted his eyes to ease the pain from the intense light "Min Yoongi, 16 and I'm Jimins boyfriend".

He groaned once the light was lowered away from his eyes.

" Okay, Min Yoongi. My name is Jung Hoseok and I'm the investigator for the disappearance of your boyfriend. Since you were, what we believe, to be the last person Jimin spoke to and was seen with. We have some questions. Now, is there any possibility that he would run away perhaps? " Asked Hoseok as he put a pen to paper, getting ready to write down information.

Yoongi thought for a moment. "No, he does a hard life at home but he wouldn't run away. To get away from home he would stay with his older brother or me. He's too sweet and scared to run away" Stated Yoongi as kept himself calm.

Of course, he had nothing to do with Jimin disappearing but the current setting was making his anxiety freak out.

Hoseok wrote on his notepad and looked back up.

He noticed how much distress the teen was in.

"You can relax Yoongi, it's just protocol for me to question you" He said, hoping to give him some reassurance.

Yoongi only nodded and took a deep breath.

Once he was calm Hoseok began the interrogation.

"You said he has a hard life at home. Could you elaborate on that for me?" Asked the officer.

"Well, Jimins parents split up about two years ago. His dad got custody of both him and his younger brother. His dad met this woman who later became their step mom and she isn't the nicest person in the world. " Explained Yoongi.

"And you said he would stay with his brother or with you to get away correct? " Hoseok asked in confirmation.

Yoongi nodded and took a sip of water from the water bottle that was given to him.

"Can you tell me his name please?"

"His name is Kim Namjoon. He and his husband live together with a kid they adopted" Yoongi then showed him a picture of them all.

"Could you tell me where they live? " The officer asked.

"They live in Seoul " Yoongi said as he sat back.

"Thank you. Now, tell me about the day Jimin went missing. Was there any odd behavior?" He said while writing down everything.

"Well, we were hanging out after school. I walk with Jimin every day, we took our usual path and parted ways at the normal spot. Nothing out of the ordinary. He was excited since it was Friday and him and Tae were going to stay with Namjoon for the weekend and that's all I really remember. "

Hoseok wrote all of it and thought for a moment.

"How does Tae get home from school? "

"He gets picked up by Namjoon since he gets out the same time as when he picks up jungkook from daycare" Said Yoongi.

Yoongi was pretty much family so he knew a lot of their agenda.

"So why doesn't he pick up Jimin?" Asked Hoseok.

"Jimin told him that he likes to walk home instead. "

Hoseok nodded and wrote it down along with further information.

The interrogation last another hour until he ran out of questions.

"Okay, I think that's all I have right now. Thank you very much, you've been a big help Yoongi" The officer shook his hand and dismissed him from the room to go home.

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