𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4: 𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑛

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Jaden's Pov

"ja, jaden. wake up" I hear a soft voice go into my ears, causing my eyes to slowly open.

I take a few minutes to just look at the person looking at me. They are wearing a bright smile, there eyes a fixed light brown color.

My mind wonders to the first person into my mind, bell.

"bell?" I mummer. The person grows a expression of concern, there eyesbrows furrowing at me.

"bell?" they repeat, "who's bell?"

My eye open and close a few times, I now focus on who it actually it is, my mother.

"nothing" I mumble, I was kind of disappointed but also greatly upset. I missed her, a lot.

"Good morning, Lilly told me that you were going out with Caleb today, it's almost 2" she says, my eyes growing wide.

"shit" I mutter, shooting up from the position I was in. I take my hands up to my eyes and I rub them, opening them again to see everything clearer, like it should be.

"Who's bell hunny?" my mom questions, she never really seen bee around or anything, it was just quick hi's and hello's and they were both on there ways. I was quite grateful for it actually.

"no one mom." I coldly state. She lets out a upset sigh and she turns around and walks out, closing the door behind her, causing quiet to occupy my room.

Quietness, a silent but deadly thing, most of the time. When no sound it bouncing off object to object your left in the sound of your own mind. It's a scary place, so many things can go in out of your little brain. Ever since she killed herself, the quietness has become a dangerous power, often use against myself

I grab a pair of jeans and I slip them on, pulling a shirt over my head. I quickly grab my phone to see a text message from caleb.

*Coming now*

That's all it reads, it also is just turning a quarter past 2 o'clock. How did I even sleep last this long?

"Jaden!" my mom shouts from the downstairs, "Caleb's here!"

She never knew how me and Caleb became to be close but she never really questioned it and I was thankful for that. I didn't want to have to explain to her why i'm like this way, she barley around anymore anyways for it to even matter.

"Okay!" I shout back, gathering my last few things and heading downstairs, making sure to turn my light off. I make my way downstairs to find Caleb's car outside, waiting for me.

Caleb took it hard but I don't think as nearly as hard as I did. I wouldn't talk to people for weeks, not even lilly. People would constantly check up on me but I wouldn't say a word. I still am held back but it's gotten better, slightly.

"bye" I quietly shout, it was more of a mumble but you could hear it in a good few feet.

When I get the respond of silent, I let out a sigh and I open the front door, stepping out, and closing it behind me.

Caleb shoots me a soft smile, I barely smile back. The last couple hours have been a mess.

"Hey." That's all he says.

"hey" I reply back.

We talk about random things, I still can't get my mind off of bell or this morning, why did I think she was bell, she's dead.

Caleb pulls up to the mall, great. Don't get me wrong, I love going to the mall, well did. I really don't enjoy anything anymore. I really need to get over this.

"Come on, it will be fun. I promise" Caleb begs, like he could read my mind.

I just simply nod, opening the door and stepping out, the cold breeze hitting my face. January, isn't my favorite month due to the cold long months but I sure did love when it snowed. I let out a sigh of relief as I close the car door. Maybe, this won't be so bad.

"Where too?" he ask, I just chuckle at his childish behavior. If I was honest, I wouldn't want it any other way.

Caleb is the only who understands my pain, i'm thankful for that, yet again.

How come we can be thankful for such much unthankful greater. Why do we hate getting rained on, we never appreciate things. We never appreciate life in it's full beauty. We only are thankful for things that go our way.

so I guess, I'm thankful for being alive on this earth, even though I don't want to be, I'm glad I am.

Maybe things could turn around, it's been two years after all.

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