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His enticing emerald green eyes shined brighter than the ever-burning sun as he rested them upon the bloody crimson rose. Caressing the silky petals with his ever so gentle touch, he slid his hand down the smooth stem, dodging every prickly thorn and making his way to the root of this ever beauty. Pinching his fingers lightly, he plucks the jewel and raises it to his perfectly placed nose, inhaling the sweet and intoxicating aroma until his nostrils were filled completely with its scent. He gazes down at the rose, now held softly in his palm, a small heart warming smile now displayed kindly upon his angelic face. He lifts himself up and turns so he is facing the opposite direction, swiftly allowing his gorgeous caramel colored locks to swoop in over his eyes, covering them. He takes a hand a removes the stray strands of hair out of his face and gently tucks them behind his ear. His eyes now visible to anyone, are only caught by a gorgeous young mistress.

She, this young girl, is a true charmer, with her silky scarlet locks, perfect porcelain skin and deep blue sapphire orbs that bring out and compliment her graceful limbs and slim body. The boy looks down at the rose and then at her. He opens his mouth as if to speak, then states.

"A rose for my fairest princess." His voice sweet like honey and laced in silk.

He hands the maiden the rose, which he picked with care and love, for her and her alone.

"How much do you love me? Tell me with all your heart." Her voice angelic and soft, yet proper and profound.

The dashing prince takes her hand and rests it in his palm. He kneels down to her, on one knee, her hand still in his, he lifts their now joined hands to his lips, sweetly kissing the back of her hand. He lifts his head back to her and gazes deeply into her crystal like eyes and begins.

"My dear,.." He pauses.

"My dear, He began again.

"I love you more than any man ever could. I love you more than nature loves the rain after a hot summers day. And..." He pauses yet again.

"And I know in my heart of hearts that I will never stop loving you. And even though I bare my soul to you, I fail to find words worthy enough to describe your beauty, none the less my heart beats for you and no other."

He once again brings her hand upon his lips, as he feels the need to feel the warmth of her skin, touch his lips.

"You, my dear are my eternal princess." He pauses briefly, then slowly hoists himself up off the ground, and in turn eagerly looking down at her. "Could this prince of yours, be so much as honored as too steal your lips away?"

"As long as this prince may never leave my side."

"I shall never, not even in my wildest dreams." Now closing the already small gap between them, the boy lifts his hands to her now slightly scarlet tinted cheeks, and lifting her head, he sets his forehead upon hers, and with passion filled spheres he studies her. Their lips only inches apart, the prince whispers a quick "I love you" before closing the space and passionately taking her lips.

For her, she had never imagined three simple words could be spoken in such a way, as he did. For in that moment, he had stolen not only her lips but her heart as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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