Chapter 14: Just a Cosplayer Walkin around

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Yesterday is kind of Fucked up, yes that's how Anthony Explains It. his body is Sore and his legs are not really good, he's currently sitting in his table and Doodling some random things while waiting to the last teacher. "Hey Ants dude Are you okay?" Anthony stopped Doodling and looked at his Best Friend with tired eyes. Zen Looked at him and Blinked waiting for his response "No...I feel Shit" Zen just laughed at him, Anthony Glared at him and was about to poke his eyes with his pen when one of his classmates burst in and happily Cheered.


there's a moment of silence and Anthony Is still processing everything, then Zen starts to shake him and he is Grinning like a idiot the whole class Burst is Happiness Anthony Groaned and Covered himself using his hood.

' so Noisy...need sleeeeeep '

he thought and was about to Take a Nap when Zen starts to Annoy him again "Dude! Dude! come on wake up! let's go and have some fun!" Anthony didn't have a chance to response when Zen started to drag him out the classroom. Anthony's eyes twitched and he just sighs "Hey Shithead can we Go and Get my Sister?" Zen Stopped and Looked at his friend for a second.

"Awww you missed your little sister?"
he Teased and Grin to wide, "Shut up let's go" Anthony Said and starts to walk. Zen keeps on Teasing him but he just Shrug it off and Walked pass the pedestrians. Anthony Noticed some 4 girls and Zen Whistled "According to their Uniforms they entered the same school as us" he said and Anthony nods they waited outside Elizabeth's Schoolgate.

"Yeah I don't care"

"Dude are you even a human? do you even have a crush?"

Anthony thinks for a moment, he did have a crush and she is pretty. but the moment he was about to introduce himself to her, the girl just gave him a Bitch face and Starts to Fucking Curse him. Anthony instantly Put a disgusting face to her and walk out "No I don't have a crush" He said and Zen pouts

"Big Bro!!"

The two males Looked at the little girl running towards them with a cute smile on her face. Anthony Instantly Smiled and Engulf his little sister a hug. Zen sweatdropped and Watched the two siblings have their moment. "Hey there Shortie so how's your Day?" Anthony asked and the three of them starts to walk, Elizabeth smiled at him "It was great! me and my classmates Played tag and Our teacher gave us some Free Cupcakes!"

"Wait Free Cupcakes?"

"Yeah! she said it's our Prize since we participated on Cleaning the Garden!"

Anthony And Zen stopped inside the Convenience store for a moment and buyed some food, Zens Phone ringed and he looked at it "oh Shoot Gotta go Dude my Grandpa Is Calling me, Urgent business is on the line" The two Fistbump and Zen Pats Elizabeth's Head and He Walked out. The two siblings decided to go to the mall and play arcade so they didn't waste any time and go there. The two talk while walking and Anthony sometimes checked if Theres danger around, Well maybe he's just being paranoid so he just chilled himself.

the two arrived at the destination and in instant Elizabeth requested to go to the kiddie arcade which Anthony Obliged and Carried her there, he buyed some Tokens and let her sister choose some Games. the kiddie arcade is actually Beside the 8TMAX ARCADE which is for teenagers so it's kind of noisy. "hey Big bro can I play that?" Elizabeth points to the Dark and scary game that Anthony assume that it's a Zombie game with full of blood "No, just play that Dora the Explorer Car over there" he points to the mini car but Eli shakes her head in dissatisfaction "NO! it's boring! and There's also alot of kids!" she whined and she almost teared up, Anthony closed his eyes and sigh.

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