Chapter One

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I really didn't want to turn fifteen. It was only a matter of time before I would. Sure, I lost my fairies at thirteen, but at least I was somehow able to keep talking to them. That's not why I'm upset. I don't want to turn fifteen because that's just going to unlock a new chapter of my life. That's how I feel about every birthday. Once second your ten and not wanting to go to sleep, the next second your seventy three and your on your death bed trying to sleep to ease the pain.

The only people I have now are Chester, AJ, Chloe, and Tootie. Tootie and I never dated, but we became good friends in middle school. I don't really talk to Chester and AJ much, but they're still good friends to have around. Chloe and I aren't that close either. She had to move away and we don't really talk that much anymore. Oh, and there's also Remy. We aren't really friends, but we occasionally say hi to one another and if we get paired in our classes we do a pretty good job on whatever assignment we're doing.

Poor Remy. He doesn't have any friends. That's because he chooses not to. He lives with his aunt and uncle now and he actually has a fairly decent life. I never knew why he chose not to have friends. I'm pretty much the only person he talks to anymore. All these girls try to date him and try to flirt with him, but his expression stays blank and he doesn't say a word. He just kind of moves on with his day like they never even existed.

He did date one girl. That was Trixie. She pretty much used him to buy her stuff and whenever he refused she'd smack him with her purse and call him a horrible boyfriend. Remy never liked being disapproved of, so he bought her everything she asked for. That was his problem. He never got the right approval from his parents so he got it from his friends. They're breakup was really weird because no one seemed to talk about it. Anyone who broke up with Trixie would get their name smack dab on the front of the school newspaper. "So and so broke up with the illustrious Trixie Tang!"

Of course, when I heard they broke up, I was excited. This sounds crazy but, I had a crush on Remy since seventh grade. Out of the blue I realized I was bi and that Remy was cute as heck. Tootie was kind of like my wing man. Every time there was an opportunity to tell Remy how I feel she'd point it out. I always shot her down though because I never thought he felt the same. To me, being with Remy was a fairy tale that would never come to reality.

Today was the day, though. I was turning fifteen and I knew just who to invite to my small party. Tootie, Chester, AJ, Chloe (who was coming back to Dimmsdale just to see me), and Remy. This was my chance. We would play spin the bottle and I had a big feeling when I spun the bottle it would land on Remy. We would kiss and then possibly fall in love. That was if he would even come.

I had all my invitations ready and put them in my bag to hand them out at school. I then turned off my lights and went to bed. It was 1:00 am because I had spent a lot of time on those invitations. My parents never let me use the printer so I had to make my own using paper and markers. As I was getting comfortable, I heard something tap on my window. I thought it was just a bird or a leaf so I ignored it. But it happened again. And again. And again.

It was getting annoying so I opened my blinds to see what was happening. Outside on the front lawn was Tootie with a bunch of pebbles in her hand. She waved at me with a big smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and put some clothes on to see what she wanted.

"Tootie it's one in the morning. What are you doing?" I asked her. She laughed. "You're turning fifteen my man. I know it isn't a special birthday like a sweet sixteen or turning eighteen, but this is the birthday you confess your love to Mr. Money bags!" She explained. I facepalmed. "Tootie," I said, "I appreciate it, but I'd really like to get some sleep." Then it happened. Tootie gave me the puppy eyes and began begging me to have fun with her. I sighed. "Fine. But this better be worth it or else you're not coming to my party." I told her. She jumped up and down with excitement. "You won't regret it!" She said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me.

"Where are we going?!" I exclaimed. She stopped. "We're here!" She said as she looked up. I looked up as well and I was confused. "Why are we at Trixie Tang's house?" I asked her. Tootie took off the backpack she was wearing and pulled out two rolls of toilet paper. "I spent hours writing insults on each piece! Come on let's have fun!" She told me. I really didn't want to because I had a feeling we would get in trouble, but I hated Trixie. So, I grabbed the rolls and threw it, somehow wrapping it around a tree branch. Tootie starting throwing hers and we had a lot of fun.

When the rolls were out we ran off and went back to my place. "Woohoo!", Tootie exclaimed, "That was f-" I put my hand over her mouth. "Tootie!", I whispered, "Don't be so loud. You'll wake up my parents!" I waited a little bit to see if they would come out, but nothing happened. I sighed in relief. "That was fun, but I gotta go to bed." I said. Tootie nodded and we both said goodbye to each other before going out separate ways.

When I went inside, the lights suddenly came on and I saw my dad sitting on the couch. My mom, who turned on the lights, sat beside him and they both had disappointed looks on their faces. Not that they were never disappointed in me because they always were, but I knew I was in trouble.

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