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(This is the fight with allmight and all for one where Kirishima deku Iida momo and shoto just saved bakugo and they are watching what's happening in the city on the screens also pretended that the news reporter people are literally next to you filming)

All for one hits allmight with a punch that sent him back on the floor in his small form broken bones and blood everywhere there was about a 20 meter distance inbetween them but suddenly a golden light came from the sky and hit the floor but it's to dusty to see what

News reporter: "what's this is it another hero coming to help"

The dust cleared revealing you on one knee

Deku: "who's that I've never seen her before is she a new hero"

Bakugo: "huh what if she's a villain"

You stood up and turned to all might his eyes widened and he backed away on all fours still facing you

Rei: "did ya miss me........dad"

Deku: "huh whattt"

You turned to all for one

Rei: "your my dads arch nemesis aren't you what's your name again... all for one am I right"

All for one: "yes and who might you be"

Rei: "all nights daughter other wise known as rei"

All for one: "allmight doesn't have a daughter"

Rei: "he got me locked up when I was seven because he's scared of me I'm just here to take my revenge on him"

Kirishima: "what no she can't"

Allmight: "no please rei don't do this to me I'm sorry"

He began crying

You stuck your hand out to all for one

Rei: "I'm guessing we have the same intentions and it's lovely meeting you"

All for one: "we'll get along just fine"

He took your hand and shook it but suddenly he got sent flying back into buildings and everything


You started laughing

Deku: "so it was an act?"

You walked over to allmight

Rei: "dad are you ok you look pretty beaten up"

Allmight: "wait so you don't hate me"

Rei: "ofcourse not"

He sat up and gave you a hug and began crying

News reporter: "awh look at this heartwarming father daughter moment"

You turned to look at them

Rei: "hey you guys should leave you could get hurt"

News reporter: "no way are we missing this"

Rei: "ok"

You walked up to them and closed your eyes and crouched down you bought your hands from the floor and pulled them up above your head You opened your eyes

Rei: "done"

News reporter: "what did you do?"

Rei: "try putting your hand forward"

The news reporter put her hand forward but was stopped almost as if there was an invisible wall

News reporter: "huh what did you do?"

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