Zach The Demon

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The following story happened to me and a group of friends about a year ago. We haven't spoke of it since, especially not in the apartment where it took place, for fear that it may come back. We also only told a select few people about the experience. We all just wanted to forget it.

My brother Bryan, his roommate Matthew, and myself used an Ouija board at about 4 o'clock in the morning at my house. My parents were out of town and we had just thrown a huge party, so all 3 of us were pretty drunk. We came in contact with spirit named Josh who said he had died of cancer. Coincidentally, a friend of my brother's name josh had died of cancer a few months beforehand.

After this Bryan and Matthew had become very interested in using the board even more, and about a week later they had their own board in their apartment. They came in contact with a spirit named Zach, who acted like an immature teenager, but was friendly at the same time. Zach liked to joke around, and said things like "Matthew's girlfriend gave him a disease," and "Matthew was ugly". Zach seemed very attached to Matthew, and when asked about it, he said that he thought Matthew was funny and liked him.
The board sucked them in. Bryan and Matthew continued talking to Zach over the course of the next few days. Matthew even called out of work to stay home and talk to Zach. On one particular night Zach told my brother and Matthew to be "careful", and when asked why, the board spelt out "P-O-L-I-C-E". That night, the police came to my house looking for my brother, for a reason that was settled shortly after.
After that incident my brother and Matthew told me about the board, and every thing it had said to them since they started using it. I became interested and wanted to see what this "Zach" thing was about, so that night me and my friend David went to my brother's apartment to use the board with them. We tried to come in contact with Zach, but had no luck. I took my hands off of the planchette, and as soon as I did it started to move, and Zach started speaking. Bryan asked if Zach wasn't talking to us because of me, and it said "Yes", so instead of participating, I watched and wrote down every thing that Zach said.
The conversation started normal, and my brother thanked Zach for warning him about the cops. After about 10 minutes though, the atmosphere completely changed. The planchette kept on moving back and forth between "M" and "A". We told the board to stop and it did, but shortly after it started counting down from 10. Before it could reach 1 Matthew angrily yelled "stop!" and it did. Then it spelled out "Always so scared" and the planchette began rotating in circles, and then started going back and forth between "M" and "A" again. We asked to end the session and it said "no" the first time, but when we said it again the planchette moved to GOODBYE.
Now I know, we should have stopped there, but we didn't. We opened the board back up and asked for Zach again. When the planchette moved to HELLO, we asked if the spirit was Zach and it said "yes". We asked "What were we just talking to?" The planchette stayed still for a few seconds, but then started The "M" "A" thing again. We yelled "Stop!", and then Bryan asked to speak to the gatekeeper. The planchette moved to HELLO, and Bryan again asked "What was that thing we were just speaking to? Was it a demon?" The planchette started counting down from 10 again, and after we stopped it, it started the "M" "A" yet again.

This time it stopped on its own, and began saying very mean things like "F**K You" and started calling Bryan names. When my brother asked why it was calling him names it said "God watches over you". My brother is an atheist, so he asked if the spirit was angry because he doesn't believe in God, and it said "yes". This made Bryan extremely angry, and he started asking the board even more questions, but we stopped him and eventually ended the session.

Bryan didn't feel comfortable in the apartment, so he and David came back to my house, while Matthew decided to stay for the night. Bryan went to sleep in the guest room as soon as we got back, but David and I stayed awake in my room for a few more hours. We started talking about how weird the night had been, and traded opinions on what we thought the spirit was. In the middle of the conversation my bedroom door slammed shut. No one else in the house was awake, and there was no draft, so it was impossible for the door to slam on its own.

The next morning while I was taking my brother back to the apartment he told me about dreams he had the night before. He said in his dream, he saw faces. Each face was screaming, with blood coming from their eyes. He said he then saw a woman cut her wrists, and then slit her own throat. When we got back to his apartment Matthew was gone, so Bryan called him and figured out that he eventually did leave the night before. When he got to the apartment he told us how he tried getting to sleep, but felt a strong presence in the room with him. He said it felt like there was a crowd of people surrounding his bed, watching him, so he left the apartment and went to his parent's house. While laying in bed at his parent's house, Matthew told us he saw a shadow standing in the bathroom watching him.
Needless to say, we were all pretty freaked out. We broke the board into 7 pieces and threw it into the dumpster outside of the apartment. David, who is catholic, also talked to a priest and had him come to the apartment to bless it. Afterwards, David also put a bible in each room.

Ever since, we have still had weird, unexplainable things happen to each of us. Although they are not necessarily scary, and happen only once every blue moon. To this day I still think that something could have possibly stuck with us after the breaking of the board, and the blessing.

I know their is no possible way of me proving that these things happened, but they did. And please, even if you don't believe my story, never mess with an Ouija board, or try contacting the dead. I use to be extremely interested and curious about it, but now I regret ever touching the thing.

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