Chapter two

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Chapter two

         Alex dug through their closet, looking for her duffel bag. Finding it, she pulled it out and brought it over to the bed.

         She opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out her pistol, holy water, and a bunch of syringes full of dead man’s blood. “Paranoid much?” Gabriel asked, looking over her shoulder.

         “It was just in case.” Alex shrugged, packing the items with a few other things, like her shotgun and machette. She planned on turning her trunk into a storage place for her weapons like the Winchesters did.

         “You could always just smite them and not risk getting killed, yanno.” Gabriel reminded.

         “Yeah but that’s no fun.” Alex smirked a bit. She slung the bag onto her shoulder and turned toward the archangel, “Ready?”

         “Yeah, let’s go.”


         They easily located the vampire nest, there wasn’t many abandoned places in town. Alex handed Gabriel a machete from her camaro’s truck and he sighed, “It’s like it’s a game for you.”

         “Nah, I just enjoy killing monsters. You don’t feel like you did anything really if you just smite them.” Alex shrugged.

         “Didn’t you get turned into a vampire last time you tried to take on a vamp nest?” Gabriel asked, walking with her to the small abandoned warehouse.

         Alex chuckled, “Oh yeah. But that was a while ago. I think I’m a little better now.”

         “And then there was that werewolf after that, and then the djinn,” Gabriel continued. “And don’t get me started on the times Luci got you.” He joked, hoping he didn’t trigger something.

         “Well….I..uh…” Alex trailed off. “I guess I kinda suck huh? But I did good with the croats that Pestilence made!”

         “Yeah? You didn’t really tell me about that.”

         “Oh? Woops.” Alex chuckled again. They neared the building and they both quieted, slowly creeping in through a side door and hiding behind some old pallets.

         Because it was day, all of the vampires were asleep. Alex spotted a few girls in chains in some sort of jail cell on the other side of the warehouse. “There’s still some humans here.” Alex whispered. “See, this is why you don’t smite everything, kinda kills the them too.”

         “Yeah, yeah. You get them, I’ll get the vamps in there.” Gabriel whispered back, sneaking around her to get closer to a door that lead to another, smaller, part of the warehouse.

         Alex ran across the room to the girls, who started whimpering and crying when she neared them. “Hey, shh. I’m gonna get you out of here,” Alex tried to quiet the girls.

         One of them, who was in her own cell, groaned painfully and fangs sprouted from her gums. “Oh crap.” Alex muttered and crawled over to the girl. “Hey, who turned you?” The girl ignored her and tried to jump at her. Alex took a few steps back, “I wouldn’t do that. I hear my blood tastes like shit.” She tried to keep her voice down. “Now, who turned you?”

Crowley's Daughter 2: Demon (Supernatural Fanfiction~)Where stories live. Discover now