What will she do?

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Alexa was very excited when she was home alone for 6 days. She ate some leftover pizza in the fridge and poured herself a cup of soda. She was also wearing a diaper. She watched some YouTube videos, then she stumbles ob a very particular video. The video said "Very messy diaper because of extreme laxative". She was hooked and decided to give it a try. She ate a lot more pizza so she can let out a huge mess later.  She also drank more soda. She had some laxatives at home. Her mom would sometimes use it if she had constipation. Turns out the laxatives her mother had were extremely strong, just like what she saw on the video. "Perfect" she said. She ate way more food, more than what she usually eats in a day, she finally cannot eat more. "I think it's time" She said. She went up her room and took the laxatives. She already felt some cramping after 1 minute. "Holy crap, those are strong" she said. Her stomach gurgled very loudly as the pizza is being sent out. She double diapered just in case. After like 5 minutes of very painful cramps, she let out the loudest fart she had let out. "Oh my god, it's gonna a huge mess" she said. Right after she said that, she finally let it all out. Logs of poop came out of her anus and the diaper turned brown instantly. The poop was all mushy and slight liquidy. "Ow, oh my god there's more" as her stomach gurgled louder. She let out more logs of poop and the diapers were already swelling up heavily. "Oh shit, it's gonna leak" she said. She grabbed another diaper and put it on instantly. She is now not letting out mushy poop but very liquidy poop. "Oh my god, It hurts so much" she said. Finally after what felt like 20 years, she's done messing her diapers. "Holy crap, that was so worth it" she said. She squished the diapers so hard and started peeing. A lot of pee came out of her. The diaper was in the verge of leaking. "I don't want the fun to end now" she said. She wore a skirt, just to see if it is visible. Turns out, it is. "I cannot do something like this in public. I'm not that much of a DL" she said. She sat down on the couch, looking through her phone, when she needed to go again. "What? Again? This might leak" she said as she went back upstairs. But while going upstairs, she started messing uncontrollably. "Oh no, in already pooping" she said as she runs to the bathroom. She went over the toilet just incase if it leaked. She let out more logs of poop and the diaper grew larger. Surprisingly, it didn't leak at all. "Wow, these diapers are very good" she said. She cleaned up, which took 1 hour. She went back downstairs and thought of what she just did. "Hmm, I wonder what else I can do?" She said. She looked up stuff on her phone, and found something amazing.

Alexa's Crazy Home Alone DaysWhere stories live. Discover now