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Ella's PoV

I immediately slam the door to the apartment shut and lock it before falling to the floor, absolutely exhausted. I hear three sets of footsteps rushing over to me.

"Ella! Are you alright?" Tank asks with a worried voice as he crouches down next to me. I let out a huff of air before letting my body lean against his.

"I am not... dealing with his... bullshit right now," I say between heavy breaths. I seriously need to work on my stamina, like it's really bad.

"Who?" Tank asks as he pulls me onto his lap.

"Are you talking about Jackass?" Bella asks me. Just then there comes a knock on the door, causing me to groan in annoyance. 'This Jackass really wants to test me right now.'

"Eleanor, I know you're in there. Just let me talk to you." 

"Yo Jackass, she doesn't wanna talk to you. Plus, she's a little busy with her new boyfriend right now," Bella yells through the door. I shoot her a quick glare as she mentions the word boyfriend.

"New boyfriend? Bit of a shocker."

"What? You think I'm incapable of dating people?" I yell through the door, anger rising inside me. I quickly get out of Tank's lap and stand up before swinging the door open to reveal Jackson's smug face. Behind me I can hear the sound of Tank getting up and standing behind me.

"Yes, I do think you're incapable of dating people. I know for a fact that you're too scared to let anyone get too close and hurt you again," he says, ignoring the fact that there's a seven foot tall man standing behind me that's glaring down at him.

"Why are you so proud of what you did? Do you enjoy hurting girls? Is that it?" 

"Possibly," he says as he chuckles with a smirk. I feel Tank place his hands on my shoulders before he gently pushes me aside to give him room to step in front of me. Jackson, being only an inch or two taller then me, has to look up to see Tank's face. Something about Tank stepping between me and Jackson like that makes my heart skip a beat.

"You should leave," he practically growls out at Jackson. 

"Tank," I whisper to him as I grab hold of his hand, trying to get him to calm down a little.

"Tank? That's your name? Interesting," Jackson says, slightly confused but also a bit curious.

"Leave, now."

"Jeez, alright, I'm going," he says with a roll of his eyes before disappearing down the hall.

"So who was that?" Riot asks after Tank shuts the door.

"His name is Jackson but we refer to him as Jackass. He's kind of the reason why I had to go outside and clear my head earlier," I explain.

"He hurt her pretty bad when they were together and he keeps showing up in her life," Bella adds in.

"I'm gonna go beat his ass," Tank says, reaching over to reopen the door.

"No, you don't need to do that," I say, grabbing his hand again. "I'm not hurting because of him anymore, he's more of an annoyance that comes around too often, like a fly, no better yet, a mosquito that won't go away," I tell him as I try to pull him away from the door. He lets out a sigh and lets me pull him over to the couch.

"We're gonna go get some ice cream and give you two some alone time. We'll be back in a bit," Bella says from the door before her and Riot leave the apartment.

"So... did you manage to clear your head while you were out there?" Tank asks as I sit down next to him on the couch. 

"Yes," I answer simply as my heart starts racing.

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