3: Secret

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"Wh-what the--?!" I cried out, stumbling backward.

"The girl from the-?!" The Azure Goddess gasped, clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle the word 'club'. Neither of us wanted to get caught being underage in a club.

Her gray blue eyes went wide as saucers and she spun around, running farther into the gym.

"Hey-," I spluttered before racing after her. My shoes squeaked on the gym floor as I ran to where she was hiding behind Tanaka-san and Nishinoya-san. "Wait up! I just wanna talk!"

The two boys guarding the Azure Goddess grabbed my arms, holding me back. "Don't mess with Kiyoko-senpai!" They shouted in unison, baring their teeth.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, thrashing in their hold. Kiyoko. That's her name. I strained to look over Tanaka's head to see her, but she was already walking away. "KIYOKO get your ass back here." I snarled.

Kiyoko froze, turning back to face me. "We are not talking about it," She snapped.

"I'm not going to expose you and I'd hope you wouldn't do that to me," I bite back, offended that she was being so sealed off about the whole thing. "I just want to clear some things up."

Kiyoko's gorgeous eyes flashed as she considered it. "What's going on here? Kiyoko?" Daichi asked, coming over.

"Nothing," Kiyoko hastily replied before I could, striding up to me and dragging me out of the gym by my wrist. We stopped walking once we'd reached a shaded bench out of earshot of anyone around.

I sat down on the bench, facing Kiyoko expectantly.

She looks hot even in gym clothes-no! Now's not the time for gay thoughts!

"I can't believe this is happening. Just forget about it okay?" She folds her rectangular glasses in her lap and begins to massage her temples.

"...I don't think I'll ever be able to forget how hot you looked in that dress," I say cheekily, immediately wanting to shove my foot in my mouth as her face explodes in color.

"I-that's besides the point! But...I'm not sure the image of you in that strappy black thing is ever going to leave my brain." Is she flirting back?

"It's part of my uniform, unfortunately," I sigh, taking the modest route. I can't believe the girl from the club is talking to me! She's so hot it's not fair.

"Well I liked it."

We both freeze as Kiyoko's statement hangs in the air, causing her to blush furiously.


"I'm glad," I interrupt, shaking my head with a smile to dispel the tension. "I always feel like I wear that suggestive shit for a bunch of leering perverts, it's nice to get a compliment from someone of quality."

Kiyoko smiles a bit, blush fading as she repositions her glasses. "If you don't mind me asking, why were you working there in the first place? And how?"

I wince a bit. "Please...I'm trying to help my aunt with the bills but she has no idea I even work, so could you keep this between us?"

Her gorgeous eyes study me for a bit before nodding. Taking that as a sign to continue, I begin speaking again. "I got a fake ID, which I'm sure you know all about, little Miss Azure Goddess, although in that dress I don't think anyone would stop you," I'm not wrong: she'd looked at least old enough to handle her soju.

"I admire you for working so hard, I really do," Kiyoko says, and I feel my heart warm. "My reasons for being there mostly involve avoiding my home life."

"I know we just met but...I'm here if you want to talk. I don't bite," I know how it feels to have something going on behind the mask, although I wish I didn't.

"Ever?" She gives a tiny grin.

"Maybe if you ask very nicely," I coo, returning the flirty remark. "It was good to officially meet you, Kiyoko...?"

"Shimizu. And you as well...?" I laugh at the thought that we are just now introducing ourselves.

"Rumiko. Suzuki Rumiko. I trust that when we head back this conversation will be our secret?"

"Without a doubt."

"Well then," I say, rising from the bench to give her a close eyed smile and a helping hand. "Let's get back."

Kiyoko accepts my offer and I haul her to her feet, reluctantly releasing her slender hand. I can't help wanting to hold it again.


After a grueling practice full of drills and Noya yelling 'rolling thunder', it was finally time to head to class. To be honest, I was dreading it all through practice. Seiko and the rest of my former team have been bullying me mercilessly since I came out, and if I tell anyone, the whole school will know in a matter of minutes.

That was her threat, anyway. I've know Seiko since I started at Karasuno, I know her threats are promises.

I sigh as my first class of the day ends and I prepare for more abuse. I don't have any friends among the second years, unless you count Tanaka and Noya, but even they won't notice me missing at lunch.

Not that I'd eat anyway. I've been having trouble keeping food down lately, and besides the club will fire me if I get fat. I only eat when I have to, and even then it's usually not much. I know it's unhealthy, but I can't help it.

I walk down the hall, roughly shoving my 'Classical Japanese' textbook into my locker. The hall is quiet because of how long I loitered in my classroom, unwilling to face my bullies.

"The freak is making us wait again." I don't turn at Seiko's voice. I don't need to; I'll get beat either way.

"Don't fucking ignore us, you disgusting little-,"

"What do you want, Go-san?" I refuse to turn, opting to close my locker to avoid eye contact.

I feel Seiko's elbow slam into my spine, making me collapse. I gasp, utterly paralyzed from the blow as my tormentor kicks me to where my back is slumped against the lockers.

I don't look at her. She'll get bored and leave, taking the other two with her. If I'm lucky, which I'm not, she won't leave anything I have to cover up before class.



Seiko and my ex-teammates beat the shit out of me for about half of the lunch period, and thankfully the only thing I had to cover was a slice to the cheek from Seiko's witch-sharp acrylics.

All my other cuts and bruises are hidden by my clothes, artfully decorating my arms, thighs and stomach. I can pretend I'm fine, but it hurts to even walk, let alone play volleyball. That was one of the reasons why I quit. I thought I'd stop being harassed when I quit the team but...oh well.

I laid in the hall for the rest of the period before cleaning myself up. I can't show my face in class all bloody, and I'm sure as hell not making my aunt worry about me. She's probably the only one who would, anyway.

I'll get through this, I will.

My aunt needs me...there's no other option.

I can't quit yet.

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