part one

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"Hey, hey, hey guys! Who wants to go for dinner after practice?"

Bokuto said as he ran to the rest of the team. Hinata smiled, "oh! I want to!" Hinata cheered raising his hands into the air. Atsumu looked up from his phone, "uh no, thanks guys, I wanna practice my sets." Tsumu said looking back at he phone.

You could tell atsumu hasn't slept in a while he had dark bags under his eyes, he spaced out alot during practice, and couldnt even walk very good. Sakusa put his mask on and looked at Bokuto in disgust because he was high fiving Hinata. "Uh, I think I'll just help atsumu with his sets I want to practice my spikes to so thanks but no." Sakusa said messing with his hair. "Is that ok miya?"

Sakusa asked looking towards. Bokuto did a pouting face, "you guys are no fun, lets go hinata!" Bokuto said walking away and hinata hummed in agreement and they left. Atsumu agreed to sakusa after the two other boys left.

Atsumu picked up the ball and bounced it. Atsumu bounced it above his head then Sakusa held out his ling arms to catch the ball. Atsumu glanced at sakusa, "hey!" Atsumu yelled, bouncing up on his feet to tryed to take the ball.

Sakusa held the ball above his head so atsumu couldnt get it, he stared down at him with a smug expression, though it turned worried as he spoke. "What's wrong? You look like you haven't slept in the past week..." Sakusa asked as he dropped his arms, holding the ball close to his chest.

Atsumu looked down, watching his feet shuffle on the ground beneath him. "I- I, um, I dont know what your talking about," he reassured, not confidently though. "Now give m-..." Atsumu was cut off by him falling on Sakusa chest he had fallen asleep.

Sakusa looked disgusted and scoffed, he had dropped the ball to catch Atsumu. "Ugh, really atsumu, great.." Sakusa grumbled sarcastically. Sakusa then picked up atsumu bridesmaids style, huffing. "Oh crap, you're kinda heavy." Sakusa muttered, walking out of the gym and locking up.

Sakusa pov.

"I cant believe you miya," I say under my breath. I take him to my dorm and set him on my bed. "Great, now I need you to take a bath." I say, mainly to myself because he stank, badly, as I walking to the bathroom.

I turn on the bath then going go back to atsumu, setting my hands on my hips as I stare down at him. "Still sleeping, huh?" I crouched down, patting his face. "Wake up!" I look at him 'great he isn't waking up anytime soon' I thought. I shake him a little bit, "mmm no, five more minutes...!" Atsumu turns on his side.

"No you have take a bath!" I say poking at him because I didnt want to touch him is stinky body. "Mmm, finnne." Atsumu sat up, slowly pulling off his shirt and his shorts.

I felt my face heat up looking at him. "You like what you see omi-kun?~" Atsumu smirks over at him, setting his clothes down on the bed. That made me heat up even more but I had my mask on so he couldn't see it that much.

I glared at him, huffing, "sh-shut up.." I look away and then I was pushed down to the bed. I look up, Atsumu had pushed me to the bed. Atsumu was pinning me down, "u-uh get off! Me go take your bath!" I push him off, he was laughing.

I get up and push him out of my room, "go go! I'll get you clothes." I close my door and head to my closet. I grab one of my shirts, a over size one might I add, and some shorts. I look through my drew for a pair a boxers, then I found a un open pack and grabbed that.

I go to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Hey, I have your clothes." I say as I put my hand on the knob. "Ok come in!" I open the door and place the clothes on the counter "k I have a bed for you so come to my room after" I say closing the door as I left I went back to my room. I sat on my bed after I got changed.
Atsumu pov.
I got out of the shower and looked at the clothes he got me. I put on the shirt it was oversized it was down to my mid thigh then I put on the boxers they were a little big and the pants didnt fit at all so i decided not to put them on. I walk out of the bathroom to sakusa room I open the door and walk it. I look at him "hey sakusa" I walk to sakusa he was sitting on his bed. "Oh hey atsumu" he looks at me I smirk and sit down next to him. "Ok so did you see that hottie checking me out last game" I look at him and he looks at me with wide eyes "o-oh no I didnt" he sad in a sad voice. 'Why is he sad?' I thought to myself.
"Yeah I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow"
Hey guys this is my first story there is 802 words in the story. Part 1 😅😅 I know it wasn't a lot of words but I'm still trying to think for the story.

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