My Angel, My Hope.

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It was a cool, pleasant night in the log cabin as the wind swept gently through the air, making me shudder a little. 

There we sat, just myself and Saeran, gazing into the bold embers of the blazing fire in the settle, that were leaving behind a soft crimson glow. Although Saeyoung was still missing and the slight tensions stood lingering in the RFA, we just wanted to have a moment of peace for ourselves. Saeran had been hacking all night previously, and I finally got him to take a much needed break, for his own sake.

Besides... the cabin was very cosy. I never thought he would have known of such a peaceful place, it felt surreal, almost. 

Pondering over my past thoughts, my eyes shifted from the blaze onto Saeran's cool, minty eyes. However, his gaze still remained on the raging fire, encapsulated by its fiery beauty.

' Beautiful... almost as beautiful as you.' I thought to myself.

Taking my hand, I slowly encounter his own, and grip it gently. This made him instantly snap his head toward me in response, and for a split second he almost looked shocked. Bless him, he must have been drowsy from fatigue... Momentarily after, he realised that he was actually, truly free, in the very moment, with the one he cherished so dearly, despite everything.

"Ah..." He breathed out, relieved, his cool eyes relaxed. 

"It's okay Saeran, It's only me." I reassured back, giggling slightly with a gentle smile and longing gaze.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of calmed freedom in those once lost, yearning eyes. The deserted boy trapped deep within those same pupils that I remembered so vividly from Magenta had finally been released after all of his struggles. I was so proud of him. The chains that once bound him to his violent selfwere broken, the last drop of elixr that imprisoned his mind consumed, and although scars remained, my love never faded. I longed to keep him safe, and he felt likewise.

Suddenly, I felt my skin beneath my eyes become dampened... A single teardrop fell onto the soft blankets I sat upon. I quickly looked away, as to not worry Saeran in case he caught glimpse of me crying. This was the last thing I'd want him to see after all that had happened. I must remain strong, for him,for Saeyoung, and for the days ahead. 

Subconsciously, I had tightened the grip that secured our hands together. Through glassy eyes, I decide to look back to him anyway. He had taken notice of my actions, and wore a worried expression upon glimpsing at my face.

"MC... are you alright?" He asked softly, with a hint of concern.

"I..." I barely choked out. My emotions were suddenly starting to crash upon me, hitting me like a forceful wave. In mere seconds, I had my arms wrapped tightly around him, embracing his small figure. 

"I... Just want to keep you safe. I don't want you to suffer in pain anymore. I won't let it happen. I promise. Who could hurt such an innocent soul such as your own?"

Saeran didn't know how to respond. He had never had such love given to him through an embrace before. He'd never experienced warmth before meeting me, or even in his tragic past. He'd never had such loving phrases spoken out to him, only empty promises from those he had placed his faith in before. However, you were different to him. You never gave up on him no matter what. You never left his side.

My Angel, My Hope.. (Saeran x MC) {Oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now