~chapter 3~

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Dekus POV:
As I was cleaning up the glass from the mirror that sho~ broke,I picked up a pice and pressed it against my wrist,and slid it across my wrist causing my wrist to start bleeding,I did it multiple times before bursting out in tears and sitting on the floor against the wall

"I-im sorry mom,i-i know u said I would never d-do it again,b-but this i-is all shotos fault!"

~the next evening~

I was cleaning up my marks I made on myself the other day,I heard the door open and I quickly put the first aid kit away knowing it was shoto

"I'm in the bathroom,i-ill be right out honey"

I said washing my face off

"Alright hurry I have a little surprise for you~"

He said egerly wanting me to go to the living room

After u was done I came to the living room

"What is i-"

I cut myself off as I seen three two other men standing with him


I said in a nervous tone,the guys looked really shady

Guy 1:"you were right he does look fuck able"
Guy 2:"ya"

"Sho~? Who are these people?"

I said wanting to run to my room

"Kitten,these are some friends,they'll be staying here for awhile"

"Where will they sleep?"
"In your room kitty"
"S-sho~ i-im not comfortable with that"
"Did I give u a fucking choice kitty?"

He said in a demanding tone,that made my heart drop


I flinch

"That's right now did you fixed up your room like I asked you to~?"

I shiver and nod

"Good kitty"

He says

~later that night~

I was setting up beds for the two guys when one of them slap my ass


I shot up and covered my bottom

Guy1:"shhhh~ it will be a shame if you woke your sleeping boyfriend up"

I shiver and get really nervous,I tried leaving the room but the two guys grabbed me and pinned me on my bed

"S-stop! Sh-sho~! H-he-!"

I was cut off by one male covering my mouth while the other pulled down my pants,I began to kick and squirm,my mind was blank and all I could think of was the time I was getting raped by my own dad...

Guy2:"are you sure this is what shoto told us to do?"
Guy1:"yes he said he wanted to teach this little one a lesson that's why he paid us!"

As I heard there conversation I started to tear up,how could my own boyfriend do this to me....shoto....how could you..

My mind was cut off by one of the guys pushing there length in me,I Yelp loud and began squirming even more

Guy 1:"ugh!,stop moving so much it's annoying!, hold him down!"
Guy2:"I am!,"
Guy1:"don it tighter dumbass!"

I felt the guys grip on me go tighter,i stoped squirming and completely gave up,on the outside I was whimpering and moaning,but on the inside I felt so useless and weak

Heh..you never changed izuku,you still gave in,just like u did with your father

I started crying more,the guys kept taking turns on raping me,they kept getting rougher and rougher each time

Guy1: "maybe he can handle us cumming atleast once in him~"
Guy2:"no he's a neko! He can get pregnant!"
Guy2:"so shoto will kill us if we do!"

I looked at them worried a-and choke out

"P-please stop,i-im begging y-you guys"

They looked at each other



They argued back and forth before shoto came in

"What's all this fucking yelling abo-!"

He looked at me and then the guys

"What the fuck is going here?!"

All three argued then it lead to a fist fight,a huge one to,I finally wiggled my way out of there fight and ran to shotos room quickly putting on clothes and running out the house,to a random direction,I wasn't sure we're I was going but all that was on my mind was just getting away and never seeing shoto again,I was only in an oversized t-shirt since I couldn't fit any of shotos pants,I kept running untill I heard yelling from behind me

"Kitten,get back here right now!!"

I looked behind myself to see shoto running behind me trying to grab me,I picked up my paste and ran into an unknown but very nice and fancy neighborhood,I walked one block down and ran to the first house I seen and started pounding on the door

"P-please open!! I-i need help!!"

Alright lovelies here's a cliffhanger the next chapter will contain the ship kirideku, hope u guys enjoyed this chapter!,byeee lovelies! <3

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