Chapter Ten

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'Toffee apples!' Ellie squeals in excitement as we exit the car. She skips merrily over to the stand and beckons us to join her.

I look around at what once was a farmer's field.

The fairground's packed like Tanacon with every single ride and stall you could possibly imagine. Towering above them all, however, is the dazzling ferris wheel. As I squint my green eyes, I see two strangely-shaped figures dressed in red leave one of the ride's seats. George and Mira perhaps?

'Hannah are you coming?' Jack shrieks, banshee-style, from a few yards away. His bean-patterned suit illuminates quite pleasantly in the night's early moonlight.

'Yes!' I shout back. You could very easily get lost in a place as wildly chaotic as this. As we were pulling up to parl, Isabel, being the oldest present, requested that we should at least have one other person with us at all times. Fine by me.

As long as I'm with her.

I finally catch up with the bassist.

'Wanna ride the ferris wheel? Never liked toffee apples.' I pant, exhausted from the running. I attempt to give her a seductive smile, but it probably just looks like I'm having a stroke.

She seems to like it. I watch as her face lights up, delight beaming from her eyes.

'I thought you'd never ask.'

She suddenly grabs my hand and we run blindly in the general direction of the tall ride, leaving the siblings to eat their sugary snack, and George, wherever he is, to eat his snacc (if you know what I mean).

'Where do we get the ticket from?' I ask Isabel, giddy with excitement. She points vaguely in the direction of a guy who looks like Leonardo DiCaprio but from Wish.

'I'm Jason Earles.' He announces loudly at our approach. Me and Isabel shoot eachother confused, but slightly amused glances.

'You two beautiful woman may know me from the show Hannah Montana.' He winks slyly, and looks me up and down, his sunken eyes falling on my body.

I gag loudly in response to this gesture, men are ✨foul✨.

'No, I don't, because I grew up on the strets and was too poor to afford Disney Channel!' I slam a dollar in his hand, before quickly dragging a shocked Isabel into the ride's available booth.

We sit down on the oak bench and immediately start crying with laughter.

'That was quite the performance Mermaid-Man.'

'I know, the look on his face!' I wheeze like an asthmatic seal, clutching my side as the ride jolts into action.

After around five minutes of slowly ascending, we reach the very top of the metal wheel, some may call it the climax. I'm certain the view is absolutely beautiful, but I'm too busy staring into Isabel's dreamy blue orbs to take it all in.

'You look stunning in this light Hannah.' She whispers softly, placing a delicate hand on my knee.

I smile warmly.

'Even with my starfish-nose?'

She giggles, scruching her face cutely. 'Of course.' Her eyes flicker to my lips.

I go to gently lift my arm and cup the bassist's soft cheek- but then I stop in my tracks.

I can feel extreme moistness under my arm.

My shirt is sopping wet. I'm literally sweating puddles.

I retreat back, embarrassed.

Great. My incredible, showstopping, romantic moment has been ruined, all because my armpits are attempting to to fill an olympic-sized swimming pool.

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