Chapter 9

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That night, the entire Ezekiel family and Cindy and Kelly are in the living room, watching TV, reading books and eating special kind of Luytian snacks and Luytian beverages. Caden and Stella are sitting on the couch as Stella lays on Caden's lap. Stella then feels a chill down her spine.

Caden: you cold, starlight?

Stella: yes

Caden then uses his alien power to try to raise his body temperature. Leah then gives Stella an extra blanket.

Stella: thanks Leah.

Leah: your welcome Stella. Always want you comfortable.

Caden to Stella: you warm now?

Stella: mhm. *sighs with relief and holds Caden tighter*

Caden: I'm still your most favorite person on Earth and Luyten?

Stella: Your definitely one of them. *looks to Cindy and Kelly*

Cindy: How have you been feeling Stella?

Stella: Oh you know, tired and like shit.

Stella then feels nauseous and feels like she might vomit

Cindy and Kelly and the rest of the Ezekiel family pull up a trash can and Caden rubs Stella's back to relax her. Caden's comfort then relaxes Stella and she lays back down.

Leah: Stella, I think whats causing this nausea is the fact you've not eaten or drank anything these passed few days. We need to find a way to get some food or liquids into your system.

Stella: We've tried everything, but they don't seem to like human food right now.

Ada: if only I could see the fetuses clearly, I can see what they want and what they need.

Stella: I have an idea, should I try some Luytian food and drinks? I feel they are hungry and thirsty.

Caden: Good idea! I hope it'll work.

Zac: Let's see what we have leftover on the spaceship.

Zac then goes to the spaceship and grabs some extra snacks and beverages for Stella to try. Zac then mixes special ingredients into a drink in a glass cup.

Kelly: Wait, is she gonna drink that?

Zac: it's the only way to see their diet.

Caden: Stella, are you comfortable with trying it?

Stella: anything to keep myself and our children alive.

Zac hands Caden the drink as Caden hands it over to Stella. Stella sits up and sips the drink. Stella tastes it

Caden: how is it?

Stella: it's actually not bad. It's actually pretty good! *continues drinking*

Zac then feels Stella's pulse.

Zac: your pulse and heartbeat is already getting stronger!

Cindy: *rubbing Kelly's arms* it worked!

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