Home Is Where the Hurt Is

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[Author's Note:Hey, guys! So, I have been working on this chapter for awhile now. I was hoping to post it on Christmas night, but things were just so hectic for me before Christmas that I didn't get the chance to finish it. I had to do some slight rearranging - the very last section of this chapter was, originally, supposed to be an entirely different scene. That would have been too lengthy, though (as this chapter is already over 5000 words long as is, which is the longest I have written in quite some time), so I decided to go in a different direction. That actually worked out for the better, though, because the scene that now ends this chapter would not have been possible had I followed my original plan. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter, and that it doesn't prove to be TOO long. Truly, I apologize for the length - the chapter got away from me.

At any rate, it just became the New Year in my corner of Canada. So, instead of this being a Christmas present, I suppose I will just have to say Happy New Year instead.

Thank you all for sticking with me. I appreciate it. I wish each of you all the best in 2015.

Without further ado, I give to you: Chapter Five. Please, enjoy.]


Standing in the Miles' home, Isaac glanced around the room, taking in those around him. Their loyalty over the years had astounded him, and he had believed that by letting his emotions show he would be failing all of them.

Rowan stood in the corner, arms crossed tightly over his chest as his intelligent gray eyes snapped; Tyler's Herculean frame was folded gracefully as he sat in one of the armchairs, and Natalie's blonde head rested against his tense shoulder as she haphazardly settled herself on the arm beside him.

Adrianna sat on the couch, her red hair falling in wild curls around her shoulders, talking quietly to a still-confused Satanail. Sathariel sat besides her, his features set in concern.

As his eyes lighted on Lexie's crest-fallen face, however, he realized that he had let her down in the worst way possible. He had shut her out after finding out that Kylie was dead; he had shut down completely and left her behind, turning into a man that he did not want to be. He had questioned her ability and treated her like a child; he didn't trust himself anymore, and he had allowed that distrust to color his convictions and his faith in her.

Pulling her aside, he looked her in the eyes. He saw the hurt there, and he wished that he could erase it. "I am so sorry, Lexie...I didn't mean—"

"No, Isaac," she interrupted. "It's okay. I understand how hard this has all been on you, I...," her voice cracked, and she closed her eyes and sighed. Gathering her strength, she finished: "I just...wish I knew what to do to help you. I feel so useless, and I hate that."

"Don't, Lexie...please don't. It isn't your fault. Without you, I don't even think I would be able to function. I am so sorry that I have turned us into this...I will try to do better. Please forgive me."

"It's alright, Isaac. Really."

Isaac sighed. "So...you really think that's Blain?" Isaac asked, glancing side-long towards the tall, raven-haired fallen angel.

"I do. Even if I didn't, though...what choice do we have? We have no other leads."

"You're right," Isaac sighed. "Let's go see what he has to say, then," Isaac said, offering his arm to Lexie. When she ignored it and grabbed his hand instead, a slight smile lifted the corner of his mouth.

"Blain?" Isaac said as he reached the young man.

"Yes, Isaac?"

"You understand that - if you are not really Blain, and are in fact still Patrick - I will make you rue the day you were born, correct?"

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