Epilogue: 12 Years Later

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It's been 12 years since the world lost the war heroes who was forming resistance was now leaving or flat on giving up and eventually moving out was once a colorful but happy city now is covered with bodies and flames all around it's been 12 years since I lost against her after that battle on Fluffmore while was bleeding out because well I lost my damn left arm because it got chopped off by some robotic asshole *ahem* anyway losing track now but you thought my luck couldn't get any worst let me tell you buddy it did after I was ya know laying there like a complete moron ya knowing slowly dying from blood loss the fucker stood on my chest holding it down so he could fucking stab my right eye out !!! So not only I'm not struck with a god damn robotic arm which does look sexy as hell but now I look like a god damn pirate with this eyepatch but I shouldn't be too mad least I'm alive somehow, anyway I'm getting off topic what matters is hope isn't lost it was after they dropped me off the edge as my near dead body laid there on the hard ground covered in bruises,scratches you name it looking like a godamn hot mess but somehow in some miracle I was alive barely breathing tho as I was getting lost in my own thoughts I was interrupted by a soft but sweet voice as a flash of coral pink covered my vision. "Are you gonna stay there and look like a complete idiot or are you gonna help me fetch for supplies for the group ?" The young girl in a red bow pouting with puffy,rosy cheeks this is Sayori Unvira the leader well I suppose she is the leader of this group I found and one of the reasons on why I'm breathing and even fighting because if she didn't came and dragged me to her base I'll be with my brothers by now. "Oh h-hey Sayo oh we was supposed to do that today heheh my bad I um well completely forgot about that ^^" I said scratching behind my head with now my robotic mechanical arm which was made by well my own mother apparently she was also one of the original heroes of this world who hasn't lost hope and ran for the hills like everyone else now it's just the 6 of us and who are the others well there's me,my mom Nyala,Sayori,Fluffy's two kids Gigi and Fluffy Jr and um am I forgetting someone hmm let me think I believe it was some neko who we found lying around by a bar I believe ugh what was her name again I think it was Catt- "Oh my sister has returned sissy hey welcome back so glad you came back safely ^^" Another soft voice as two pointy coral pink cat ears perked up from the darkness of the night as the young neko hugged her twin tightly it's nice seeing family still together despite everything that is going on it just warmed my heart but also saddens me because yeah I got my mom but I been though so much lost I honestly don't know how I'm still standing and not jumping off a cliff and just....ending my suffering guess the world isn't ready for my death yet as the team got packed up entering the ruins of once was our lovely city looking for supplies over the horizons a familar platinum haired girl arrives back home but at the wrong time shocked by the destruction she rushed into action began looking for survivors as the sound of her boots echos the now ghostly like towns that's when I heard those famous words. "D-Dad is that really you ?" The soft voice called almost welcoming as I slowly turned around hugging my departed daughter who I haven't seen in years holding her in my arms like she was just a toddler again but I know she really isn't. "Welcome home my little star my sweet baby girl....."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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