Chapter 12

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Ye Hua started work immediately. He was provided with a large crew of strong, able body men to help him.

Usually, the architect never had to help with the construction. But Ye Hua insisted that he built the channels personally because he knew the work best. Therefore, every evening Ye Hua came home covered in dirt and grim. He would be so exhausted, he dropped down to bed immediately.

Bai Qian's heart aches every time she sees him like this. She knew nothing would convince him to take things lightly. Ye Hua had the stubbornness of a mule. 

She wanted to go to the construction site to help him, but he told her not to. It was no place for a woman. Bai Qian could lift a hundred times her bodyweight. How was there no place for her?

Then she remembered what Zi Lan had told her, Ye Hua had only a year to live. How will he die? She didn't know. Bai Qian presumed that he was going to die right after the project was completed. 

Bai Qian was given the choice of delaying Ye Hua as much as she could to spend more time with him or let millions of mortals die. If she was Da Ji, Bai Qian would have no hesitation to make the selfish choice. 

Things were different now, Bai Qian wasn't the same person as before. She knew Ye Hua wouldn't want that. 

The logical thing to do now was for Bai Qian to spend as much time as possible with him. Easier said than done. Ye Hua was so busy these days, she only got to see him late in the evening.

She gave him a big hug when he got home, she didn't care that he was covered in mud. Ye Hua laughed, "Why are you so clingy these days?" 

Bai Qian gave him a kiss on his cheeks, "What are you talking about? I'm always clingy, " 

Ye Hua shook his head, "No, you were never like this,"

A worried expression appeared on his face, "Qian Qian, is something wrong?"

She pulled away from him and gave Ye Hua a small grin, "Nothing is wrong,"

Ye Hua gave her a look of disbelief, "Qian Qian, we talked about this, "

He meant he talked about it while she promptly continued on with her vague answers. Bai Qian gave Ye Hua a small pout, "I just miss you that's all, I rarely get to see you these days, " 

Bai Qian could tell he felt guilty, his previous anger subsided, "I'm sorry, Qian Qian. I'll try to come home earlier next time, " 

Ye Hua came home ten minutes earlier than usual the next time. A bit of progress was better than none. But this was obviously not enough for Bai Qian.

That was how she ended up by the construction site in the afternoon, carrying a packed lunch for Ye Hua. Bai Qian walked around the edge of the site, looking desperately for him.

Where could he be?

A burly man blocked her path suddenly, "Greetings, pretty lady. Are those for me?" 

Bai Qian examined the man before her. He was tall, sported a large beard and was carrying a large shovel. She took a step back and wrapped her arms protectively around the packed lunch. "No, I'm looking for my husband, " 

He stepped an inch closer to her, "I'm sure your husband won't mind if you share, " 

Bai Qian unconsciously let out a growl, and the man stepped back quickly. His eyes were filled with fear. Bai Qian didn't mean to let out a bit of her fox instinct, but she might as well use it for her advantage. 

"I'm looking for my husband, " she insisted this time, "Zhao Ge, " 

The man let out a cold sweat, "Of course, Lady Zhao. Boss is right over there, " 

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