Chit chat

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-Voice of the manor-
Scarlet Point of View

Scarlet: So..! Jolt! This is your dad huh?
Jolt: ...Yeah.
Antonio: Whisky?
Scarlet: ...No thanks.
Oliver: I'll take some!
Naib: No you dont.
Oliver: But I'm old enough!
Naib: Not while Jack is here. He still Views you as a toddler and you're going to break his heart.
Jack: That's right!
Oliver: -Sighs-
Burke: Damn Twinks! Let the boy have some fun!
Jack: Boomer.
Burke: Allright the next person who calls me a boomer is gonna get smacked with my mallet!
Scarlet: ....Wow.
Martha: ...Jack. Naib.
Naib: -Hugs Martha- Dude! It's been forever! Hugs for you!
Martha: Ahh! Naib! I dont want hugs..!

Vera: Scarlet. How much do you know about Your friend Jolt here?
Scarlet: Um.. Not so much yet but shes very nice and I trust her alot!
Jolt: ....
Vera: Really? Jolt? Who is your other parent?
Jolt: Um.. I dont think its nessecairy to talk about that.
Vera: Why? Are they dead?
Jolt: No, but-
Vera: You see, Me and Martha knows Antonio! We went to the manor with him afterall.
Antonio: Yeah, you two should really stop with the hate letters you send to the boss, hehehehe..~
Martha: Boss? Wanna tell us who this boss is?
Jolt: Dad! Just drink your Whisky and be quiet please..!
Antonio: Allright..~ -Drinks Whisky-
Scarlet: Mom, I think you're making Jolt uncomfortable.
Naib: Vera. Honestly.
Martha: Naib! Jack! Why aren't you two more upset about this! They Killed Miss Nightingale!
Jolt: Miss Nightingale?
Jack: Hey! He only killed her because she asked him to! I would have done the same if she asked me!
Vera: What's wrong with you?! Didn't you love miss Nightingale?!
Martha: Urgh.. Luca.
Luca: Stop it! We are here for our kids and you're ruining it!
Scarlet: .....
Luca: I cant even be near my own daughter because shes worried about her friends disliking her if they know I'm her dad but she has nothing to do with what I have done in the past!
Martha: Still carries your blood..
Luca: My daughter isn't me and your daughter isn't you two! Let your daughter decide herself who she wants to hate!
Jolt: ...Scarlet. Luca is my dad..
Scarlet: ....
Martha: of course you are his daughter. Ever since you said Antonio here was your dad we realized.
Vera: -Sighs-
Oliver: I'm confused.
Jack: Oliver, After we left the manor, we parted into 3 parts. The Qperation, The AntiQup and those like us who just dont care about either side.
Luca: That's right. I dont care if you guys hates me but please dont mix my children up in it!
Martha: ...You killed Nightingale.
Luca: Do you know why I did it?!
Vera: Yeah yeah, because she asked you too buth that's a bad excuse!
Luca: That's not why!
Martha: Then why!
Luca: She were Infected by the disease! She knew that she would infect us all if we didn't do something! If she didn't die, We nor our Children wouldn't be here today! ...I'm going home.
Antonio: -Stands up- Eeeh.. Sorry about this Jolt.
Jolt: -Runs and Hugs Luca- Wait! ...You came here to see how your Children is doing, right? ...Spend time with me. I'll show you my room.
Luca: -Smiles and Nods- Sure.

Scarlet: .....I dont Hate Luca..
Martha: What? He's evil!
Scarlet: You two didn't even listen to what he said! You're blinded by hate! He cares more about his Daughter then the hate you two give him but to me it looks like you care more about the hate then about me! -Leaves-
Vera: Scarlet no..! Wait come back! We love you it's just!
Naib: Why cant you two just come join us in the "We dont care" group?
Jack: Yeah! You can come sip Yea with us and ignore everyone else~
Oliver: -Sighs- You two need to care sometimes.
Martha and Vera: -Runs after Scarlet-
Caleb: -Enters room with his Parents, Lexie and Andrew-
Naib: Aesop!
Aesop: Naib!
Jack: Short guy!
Joseph: Idiot!
Jack: You wanna fuckin go?
Joseph: -Rolls up sleeves-
Isac: -Walks in With Tracy- I saw Jolt and Daddy earlier.
Naib: Luca seemed to Care alot more about his children then people thought.
Tracy: He does! He's a really great person!
Aesop: I'm just curious but.. Luca had Children with 3 different people and you all live together? Isn't it.. a little weird?
Tracy: Actually, Not at all. Luca cared about Repopulating the earth and the easiest way to do that were having as many children as possible, but having the half children would make it less incest for The future generation. He even took on the burden for being the Carrier for both Andrew and Antonio.
Jack: What? Luca was the Carrier?
Joseph: Didn't you preform the ritual?
Jack: No, He just wanted two syringes with him before he left. I never saw him actually using them.
Tracy: Besides that, Me, Andrew and Antonio get along great!
Isac: -Confused-
Lexie: I get along with Jolt and Isac as well.

-Phantom Castle-

Eli: What?! You have another son?!
Victor: Yeah, he is one year younger then Matthew. We will send him to the manor on his birthday.
Angel: Wow Mattie! I didn't know you had siblings!
Molly: Well, Mattie is very tightlipped.
Mattie: My brother is a mess.
Fan: Dont say that, He's just a little...
Victor: Wild.
Fan: ...Yeah..
Hastur: Is he alone at your home?
Fan: No, Xie is watching him while we're here.
Victor: Poor Xie..
Eli: Wow.
Felix: Dad! Yesterday we went Camping in arms Factory!
Norton: Twinks in the forest already! You grow so fast.
Stella: Dad! Is it true that you two went to Paris to cook lobster?
Mike: oh, Yeah. Aesop and Josephs wedding. I had almost forgot the Trauma!
Norton: Not to talk about the fact that we robbed a fancy resturant for their icecubes.
Stella: What?
Mike: Norton..! We dont talk about that!
Norton: Hahaah! We were Criminals!
Felix: -Ghasping-
Eli: You two cant change at all.
Norton: Daddy Mike Over here were super famous and Tricked everyone in the Eiffel tower to leave and then played Harlemshake on Violin! -Wheezes-
Stella: Wow, You were famous?
Mike: Well.. yeah, a little.
Fiona: wow, this sure takes me back. So many good memories we created here.
Eli: Hey! Mike! What happened to that Cabin of yours?
Mike: Ah..! We gave the key to the Cabin to Stella and Felix on their birthday!
Stella: ...Cabin?
Felix: Is that what they key is for?
Mike: ...Norton? You never told them what they key was for?
Norton: I thought you did.
Mike: -Sighs- Just ask Michiko about it, She knows where it is.
Bonbon: . . .
Molly: Hehehe~ My dad is a Penguin!
Fiona: Yeah, He's really Cute.
Molly: Why dont you live together?
Fiona: Boomboom lives with the Qperation and I dont support that group.
Hastur: Neither do I.
Helena: Fiona!!~
Fiona: -Stands up and Ghasps- Helena! It's been such a long time!
Helena: -Hugs Fiona- Are you doing well?
Fiona: Yes! Yes! How about you?
Helena: Great! I were excited to meet you all again!
Angel: Who is this?
Michiko: -Walks in Carrying a baby- This is my Wife Helena. And this is our Son Damien.
Angel: He's so cute!!
Ibis: Children. -Faints-
Eli: Oh no! Ibis!
Hastur: Not again..
Molly: Woah what happened!?
Eli: Ibis has a Fear of Babies.
Felix: Why!
Eli: Well.. Ibis is 5 years older then Angel so when Angel was born, Ibis took care of her sometimes. And then Angel tried to devour his wings with her tentacles. And ever since then he was scared of babies.
Stella: Wow.
Angel: Ehehe..
Hastur: I dont blame her. I used to devour stuff when I was younger too.
Eli: We dont talk about that.
Michiko: Oh, Since we're on the topic, If any of you ever get sick or hurt, Theres an Emergency letter on your rooms. Write a letter addressed to Emily Dyer, Stample it with an Echoe and then wait. She'll come faster then you think.
Fiona: Ahh! Emily!
Eli: Oh, it's good theres an emergency letter then!
Mattie: That letter is gonna get used alot when my brother comes.
Fan: -Holds in Laughter-
Victor: Matthew!

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