Chapter 46 - The Guys

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Hi.  It's been way too long.  I have no excuse.  That show "A Teacher" threw me a little since I used Kate Mara as Rhia and Nick Robinson as Jesse.  At least I can use this picture as Rhia and Jesse planning his graduation party.  



Being with Hannah was better than I could have ever imagined.  I couldn't even explain it. I looked forward to telling everyone about us, but in the meantime, it was fun to sneak around.

I walked into my house after meeting Hannah in the park and Ethan was there.

"Hey, Little Brother, it's been a while," he said.

I laughed. "Like I didn't see you yesterday and talk to you a few hours ago."

"Oh, yeah. I guess it just seems long." He looked around to see if anyone else could hear him. "Sorry about your lack of action at prom."

"Trust me. It's for the best. I have a feeling everything is going to work out," I said, hoping he wasn't going to be mad when I told him I was dating Hannah.

"I hope so. Speaking of for the best, I'm dating Nadia again," he said. Maybe the Hannah thing would work out after all. If he was dating Nadia, I was hoping he was actually done with Hannah.

I patted him on the back. "Good for you. I always liked the two of you together."

"Yeah. I agree," he said.

My mom walked up the stairs from the basement.

"Hey, Honey. I need to talk to you about your graduation party. Since it's so close to your graduation date, I want to have everything ready to go. It's best to not have to worry about anything," she said. "Can you come look at a few things?"

"That's my cue to leave. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me. I have some job applications to submit," Ethan said, walking to the stairs.

"Go get 'em!" my mom said enthusiastically as we sat down at the dining room table.


After discussing details about my party that I would have never thought about without guidance from my mom, I was ready to call it a day. Unfortunately, I had two more finals to study for.

As I left to go upstairs, my dad came home.

"How was prom?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows up and down.

"It was fun, but not in the way you're thinking," I said.

"That's okay. I couldn't take the girl I wanted to prom. She was dating another guy and a bit too old for school dances. But look how that turned out. I'm married to her and we have four kids. Don't give up, Kid," he said.

"Thanks, Dad, but you make mom sound like a creep in your description. You could have stopped with not taking the girl you wanted to prom. I would have pieced together the rest."

"Sorry. I'm just still not over the fact that I ended up with your mom. I never loved anyone but her," he said, staring at my mom in the kitchen.

"I'm beginning to understand how you feel about her," I said, hoping he was too distracted by my mom to realize I was telling him I was falling in love with Hannah.

"That's good, Jesse. I'm going to go see your mom now," he said.

I watched as he entered the kitchen, spun my mom around, and started making out with her. I shook my head back and forth, smiling, and walked up the stairs. Maybe someday that would be Hannah and me.

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