02: The Fine Print

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"What do you mean they can't join," Lightning shouted at the Headmare of the school of friendship. Just a day after she recruited Gallus and Smolder, she received a request for a meeting with their principal by a giddy pink bird that startled her awake after barging into her hotel room. She didn't know what to expect from the mare, but she held doubt that it would be anything relevant. If only that were true.

The stuck up Headmare they called Starlight Glimmer sat before her desk as she repeated the words Lightning could really do without. "I'm saying that I don't want my students to be a part of your group. I know you are known for performing all sorts of dazzles and dangers. But I don't see you ever having regards for the safety of others."

"The heck do you mean safety," Lightning retorted. "That's what it means to be a Washout."

"These are kids we're talking about Lightning," Starlight voiced. "Not grown adults. You can't just thrust them into something you know is dangerous without precautions. And I know for a fact that you never consider that based on what my former staff has told me about you."

"I don't care what Rainbow thinks about me! All I need is two creatures to help me with the tour. If you can't help me, then just back off."

"I can't do that Lightning," Starlight raised from her desk. "As Headmare of this school, I have to ensure the safety of my students the best I can. If I can't trust you to keep my students safe, then I won't let you have them for your show."

"I don't have time to be looking for other creatures for this," Lightning stomped her hooves. "I have less than a month to get things going again and any other creature I've asked have wussed out on me."

"Is that right," Starlight tapped her chin. "Then would that mean you're up for a compromise?"

"What? I thought you were against me. What's this switch for? Cause I swear, if you're egging, I'm gonna slug you."

"I'm just going to ignore what you said," Starlight said. "Lightning, I can see that my students really look up to you. But I don't want you to manipulate into doing something they're not ready for like I heard you did with another filly."

"Hey, she could have quit at any time she wanted! I didn't force no pony."

"Not if it had meant disappointing you," Starlight argued. "Look, if you can agree to some conditions of mine, then I will feel comfortable allowing Smolder and Gallus joining you on the tour."

"That's it? Fine, I'll take it."

"Don't you want to hear my conditions first?" Starlight raised a brow.

"Just send me a letter. I don't have all day."

"... Alright then," Starlight sat back down. "But just so you understand. Once you leave this room, there's no changing this."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Just tell your students to come to Vanhoover for practice."

Lightning had set up her camp on a wide-open field at Vanhoover that she will be using as practice for her new recruits. She spent the entire night repairing the equipment that her idiot crewmate had damaged during their accident. They are so lucky that Lightning has such an affinity in mechanics, else they already would have been bankrupt because of the constant service for repairs.

Lightning grabbed a wet towel and soaked her sweaty forehead in her tent. When she reemerged back to the open field, she saw her two recruits, Smolder and Gallus, descend to her.

"We're here like you asked," Gallus said. "1 o'clock on the dot."

"We actually got here earlier because he was afraid of being late," Smolder added. "But then he didn't want us to come in early because he thought it'd make him look desperate."

"That's not true," Gallus raised his voice. "I was—"

"As long as you're here," Lightning raised a hoof before Gallus. "Then that's all that matters. C'mon, we got some stunts we need over."

"We're starting the stunts already," Gallus widened. "I thought there were some fundamental segments we had to go over."

"Man," Smolder mumbled. "You're really trying to impress her, aren't you?"

"Look here," Lightning started. "I'm not like any of your teachers from your school, okay? We're here to perform tricks all around Equestria and we don't exactly have a lot of time."

"Wait," Smolder raised her claw. "Shouldn't we wait for the other pony?"

"What other pony?" Lightning asked.

"Headmare Starlight said that she was sending a pony to supervise our internship?"

"Supervisor?” Lightning wondered. “Internship?"

"Also known as the Washout Program," Lightning heard a familiar voice that shook her body.

Lightning quickly turned around and noticed that mare flapping above her tent. "Spitfire!? What in Celestia are you doing here!?"

"I think the dragon already spilled that out for you," Spitfire landed before Lighting as the surprised mare stumbled back. "I'm the supervisor of this program of yours."

"You mean the captain of the wonderbolts is going to be training us as well," Gallus voiced loudly.

"W-why are you here," Lightning pointed at Spitfire.

"I got a letter from the Headmare from Ponyville saying that you were opening a program for this stunt gig you got going on here. She said she needed a supervisor and believes I'm perfect for the job."

"I don't need some pony to keep a reign on me," Lightning Dust said. "So, you can just head on back to the wonderbolts and heckle some other pony."

"Yeah, that's not happening. The contract she sent you clearly stated that the Headmare gets to pick the supervisor of her own volition. You did read that part, didn't you?"

"Uh… Yeah."

Spitfire sighed, "I figured you didn't. Welp, there's no changing it now."

"Aren't you in charge of the wonderbolts," Lightning argued. "I'm pretty sure it's around that time for tryouts, isn't it?"

"I got Rainbow for that," Spitfire said. "It's about that time for her to get used to that since she's going to be the next captain."

"Rainbow's going to be the next captain of the wonderbolts," Smolder voiced. "Heh, she's going to be feeling herself for months."

"Don't tell her I said that," Spitfire said. "It's supposed to be a surprise. Anyways," Spitfire continued. "You said you got some stunts to show, right?"

"Y-yes ma'am," Lightning hurriedly said. "No! I mean, yeah. Just shut up and follow me!"

"Good, then let's get this started then."

"Just watch me," Gallus voiced. "I bet I'll have it figured out on the first try."

"Oh yeah," Smolder grinned. "How much do you want to bet?"

"Oh no," Gallus said. "You can't get me with that."

Lightning let out a sigh at the students' excitement and then towards the mare she never thought she'd be seeing again. Perhaps she bargained for too much when she agreed to this arrangement. "Should've read the stupid paper," she grumbled.

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